Tuesday, 23 September 2014

One Starry Night

He sat next to her and slid back - comfortable enough for a back rest, and his arm rested on hers. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, and a small smile escaped the corner of her lips. He had a mischievous grin on his face. "Bite?", he offered the only tub of ice cream. "It's mine!", she protested and bent to snatch it from him. He took it farther away from her, and she leaned on him further without her knowledge. At one point she looked up only to find herself on his other arm.

She quickly gathered herself, hoping her blushing cheeks didn't leak into his arms.

She observed his lips form into a smile and fall back into none within a fraction of a second.

"Here, yours", he gave the tub to her.

"Yes it is", she smiled victory.

The tub of ice cream got emptied over a lot of laughs and giggles, and some sad stories.

When they were done, he took it from her and put it to his side and offered her a glass of water, he knew her strange obsession of drinking water after eating ice cream.

He again slid back to the comfortable position, and this time, his hand held hers and the fingers got entwined. She looked up to his face, amazed. And a lil scared. He was sure he saw some more color on her cheeks.

"You are mine now, I am yours", he smiled and kissed her pinky finger.

"It's strange a feeling", she mumbled.

He lifted her chin to reach her lips, and caressed them with his fingers.

She closed her eyes, for she wanted to soak those moments.

Before she knew, she felt his lips brush on hers. She felt a new batch of butterflies flutter in her tummy.

His free hand clasped her waist, and he pulled her closer. She smiled as he kissed her harder by every passing minute.

When he let her lips breathe free, two full minutes and a half had passed.

"A lil less stranger?", he winked at her.

"A lot less", she blushed.

And he got up, took her hand and started walking. As she joined in, his hand pulled her closer.

The stars above shone extra bright that night.

post signature

PS: Fiction, hand on heart.
PPS: Sorry I vanished from the face of Earth. Just wanted some time by myself.
PPPS: This was in drafts. I just realized I used to be so freakin' sappy back then. *groans*
PPPPS: That reflects I am not this sappy anymore.
PPPPPS: Okay wait, I already implied that.
PPPPPPS: But still, its kinda cute know? You like it?
PPPPPPPS: Let me know. Okay?
PPPPPPPPS: If you are a computer science engineer, code to get this formation of PPPPP...S without multiple printf statements. Use loops.
PPPPPPPPPS: If you are not an engineer, bless your soul. 

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