Monday 16 January 2012

Those Nasty Nasty Pimples - TOD!

"No mom!! Applying lemon-juice on that stupid mark on my cheek wont help, it will just make me smell like a juice-stall :-| " "OIL? HAIR? Are you in sane mind?!" Well that was me before I actually tried any home remedies. I have been a victim of pimples, and so obviously blemishes, dry hair, chapped lips and all other such creepies that wreck havoc at a personal level. After lot cash spent on dumping chemicals on my skin and hair, and tearing hair and throwing tantrums over the results that never showed up, I decided to try the so famed Mummy's/Granny's/Neighbor's/Aunt's Home Remedies :o In this section, I'll list out the tips that worked for me(and those that didn't). So much for doubting the sanity of my mom :P

Baking Soda. Yeah honey, you heard it right. You have read it numerous times, but never got off your tush to use it, right? Yeah yeah I know. *Stop grinning now* 
So here is how to use it. Take half a spoon, or roughly 4-5 pinches of baking soda, and make a paste of it with COLD water. (If you use warm water, it'll just melt away in seconds, and you'll just stand there with useless brine solution in your pretty palm :P). Post washing face, apply this paste on the pimples, and blemishes if you have any. Scrub gently on blemishes, but DO NOT scrub on the pimple, it'll burst and eeewww, what a mess!! Leave on for few minutes, and wash off with plain water.

It takes just 2-3 days for me to get a clear skin everytime I break out. Baking soda, I love you, a lot :)



  1. nice tips namita :).....all the best for new blog

  2. Thanks a ton Ani :) <3 You just made my day! :)


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