Monday, 28 May 2012

Sunsilk Stunning Black Shine Shampoo and Conditioner Review

Good evening chics! :)

Wassup? :D Did you guys notice Indigo Nation's new ad theme? Its cool! :D Change-ism, Wassup-ism, Dude-ism and stuff like that defined with witty lines. Bangalore's bus stops are filled with these! :D

Oh and all of you must have read my PC's tragic story here know? :( I felt so guilty after reading it :( Why did I neglect this sweetheart? He loved me so much :( Ask why 'He loved'? Past tense? Because the comp technician told Mr.PC is ill beyond repair. Every other part should be replaced. The total cost for replacements exceeds the cost of a new computer :( So, Daddy Dearest is getting me a new Mr.PC computer by this week or next. *I'll name it something else, my Mr.PC is the only one :(* I begged for a lappy, but then dad, mom and siblings need want the comp too :| *Trust me, I am the only one who NEEDS it. Hmph!* And they don't trust me with me giving away lappy for a while. You see, you can snatch away the lappy. *I am awesome at it :D* So, new desktop for me :D YAY! I am happy about getting a new one, but more sad about missing this guy. My first computer...So many memories :) Nostalgia *Sigh*

OKAY now lets get on to the review, I want to use Mr.PC as much as I can :o

How many of you have had this experience? You have the solution to your problem right with you, but still, you are hesitant to apply it because you don't believe it. You haven't had this experience? Well then its exclusively mine :P
You all know my cranky hair -- Rough, Dry, Brittle, Split ends, lots of it. 
And you have no idea what all has gone into on my head to get that glossy shiny ad hair -- curds, methi, henna, so many freakin' type of oils, almost all drugstore shampoos and conditioners. 
What was the result? Tiny improvement for a while, and then back to being cranky hair.
Not to exaggerrate, at one point I wanted to go for chemical hair straightening. A lot of posts on why I shouldn't get it done stopped me.
Oh wait, why am I tellling you so many stories? 
Because, finally, FI.NALL.LY, I have found my HG shampoo and conditioner 8)
*Trumpets and bugles*
Yes, Sunsilk it is! 

How? Someday I accidently hit upon its review in of my favorite blogs, and was impressed with Mr.Black. Then, I visited the Sunsilk website and saw other products too. According to 'Expert Opinion', my hair was damaged. *Even my galli kid can point it out, Mr.Expert Opinion :|* And I needed Sunsilk Orange. 
Went to the shop, asked him for Sunsilk Orange. *Shop waala is used to my demanding products which might not have entered my galli at all :P * He sincerely searched for 8.6 minutes, and ended up with this. No. He is not color blind. As Dove Dryness Care was making my hair drier, Pantene had stopped working long back, Loreal had always given me a bad hairfall, I bought home Mr.Black. And what he did to my hair? He transformed it He is still transforming it :) 

Product: Sunsilk Stunning Black Shine Shampoo 
Brand: Sunsilk
Cost: Rs.56/-
Quantity: 90 ml
Bigger bottles are available too.

Nothing special with instructions. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.*DON'T!* Follow up with conditioner.

The shampoo comes in a sleek black plastic bottle with a flip cap which sucks. Yea. If you have long nails like me, then please be careful opening him ;) Its super easy to break your nail. Shampoo is black in color and has minute sparkles in it. It shines. Stunning shine. :P 

Its your regular Sunsilk fragnance, jasmine-ish. *Don't get carried away by the Co-Creations tag. I honestly didn't feel any difference in the fragnance/texture :P*
A lil goes a long way. I have been using this from a month, and have tried it on all hair -- Oiled, Curd-ed, Non-oiled, Sun-fried. And it has given recognizable results with every thing . Oiled hair looks shinier and feels smoother though. The shampoo lathers well and cleans my scalp - sqeaky clean. 
My only complaint is its SO not travel friendly. Forget travel friendly, it leaks even if its kept flat. I don't know if this is the only faulty bottle I got, or all the bottles have same problem. So, keep it straight, else the opening of the bottle gets clogged with spillage. :| Looks very ugly >.<

Lets move on to the conditioner :

Its called Shiny, Smooth and Tangle Free* Nourishing Conditioner.
Cost: Rs.56/-
Quantity: 90 ml

The conditioner comes in a screw lid cap. Its pearly white and is runny in texture. And you know what? I hate the smell of it. Freakin' hate it. Its got this awful cough syrup like odour. Yaack! That is one thing I can't stand about this. Also, when I am in the shower, this baby doesn't make my hair any tangle free :P First time I thought I hadn't used enough product. Second time I did, still my hair was a tangled mess. So from third, I carefully detangle with a wide toothed comb, and then apply it from mid length . I leave it on for maximum of two minutes. *The tube says leave on for a minute* and I rinse with a blast of cold water. Over. 

The magic happens after I walk out of the shower. After I blot off the excess water, I let my hair air-dry. In a matter of half an hour, soft waves develop ^_^ And minimal frizz, the types that go away when the hair dries completely. My hair takes almost 5  hours to dry completely even in hot sticky weathers :P When I know its almost dried, I make a lose braid and let it dry completely. And that is it. Once I open the braid, soft and managable hair welcomes me :D There is visible shine too :)
All in all, this duo has become my savior. I love how awesome my hair feels. Oh and the cough syruppy smell vanishes right after the shower, and the amazing jasmine fragnance lingers ^_^ 
Phew! I am so in love with this sexy thing . It is so economical and works like a charm . I have already bought the Yellow range, will use it asap and let you guys know! :)
Image Sources:-
All images used here are mine. 
So what is your HG? Do you belong to the Sunsilk Gang of Girls? Chalo chalo tell me! 8)


  1. I don't like had ruined my hair when I was in 5th :( the co-creations is doing so much rounds and I honestly don't think its better than any other shampoo!!! I like the color of the shampoo :)
    oh btw, I wanted to ask about using comb in shower??? how do u do it???

    1. Haha Swati :* That was in 5th STD :D Well if you have found your HG, then no problem, else you might want to give a try :)
      Comb in shower is easy Swati :) Make sure your hair is very very slick, finger comb to manually remove any tangles. Be very delicate cuz wet hair breaks EASILY! Then, use a wide toothed comb, and slowly comb through, it will be so straight :D I love that poker straightness :P Then apply conditioner :) It says a lot of product, and you won't apply on scalp too! Hope it helped :)
      Namita <3

  2. oohh this one ! am glad you got your hg shampoo :) This was the my first shampoo at medical college..and the fragrance was so nice that my friends used to stand behind me to get through dissection classes :P

    1. YAY di finally found it :D Hehehe :P Same here, though I don't dissect anything :P Its so hot and sweaty, yet the fragrance lingers ^_^
      Namita <3

  3. Its this good. . . my mom still uses yellow wala sunsilk . . and i always tell her to change it . . .i always used to think they put same crap in new fancy bottle everytime . . .i think i have to change my opinion . .
    Btw did ya try loreal ka total repair 5 . .it works very good on damaged hair too i heard !!!

    1. No no lol :P Its actually nice :) I'll use Yellow One and let you know :D What does aunty say? Yellow is goood?
      Total repair 5 only gave me hair fall >.< Horrible hairfall omg bad it was! I had to get a haircut to stop people from asking about thinning hair :|
      Namita <3

    2. Mumma likes but me not . .its okay . . just like any other shampoo . . .

    3. jabhi next sem ke baad you'll be all rich . .(you know how ;)). . try loreal professional series ka absolut reapir . . i've heard it works really good on damaged strands !!!

    4. LOL! :D Di! :D Hahahaa :D Yes yes I will ;) I love you LOL! :D

  4. i like sunsilk and i have used it..

    1. Me too :) Its a lovely product know! :)
      Namita <3

  5. thank u so much for ur lovely comment on our blog Namita!
    You are a sweetheart!
    and thanks for the suggestion, im gonna change the look and background text soon!
    Following you back :)
    do visit us again! new posts up! :)

    1. Aaww anytime gurls :) Thank you for following me back :D YAY! :)
      Sure sweeties, I am gonna check right now! :)
      Good luck you both, happy blogging! :)
      Namita <3

  6. i havnt tried d black one. im using the pink and its really nice :)
    will try black soon.
    btw u have a cute blog.
    i'm having a big giveaway
    pls do enter

    1. I will try pink soon :) :D
      Thank you sweetie :)
      Sure, I'll be there :)
      Namita <3

  7. I like sunsilk and i have used it..May i know do you write blog for others. If u ,
    can you write blog For Viviana(Cosmetic Brand). We provide you a beauty gift hamper from Viviana .if you are interested please contact me at this email id

    1. Good to know you like it too :)
      Sure Riya, I would like to.
      I have mailed you, please check :)
      Thank you :)
      Namita <3

  8. I rotate my shampoos once in 5 months depending on when I get sick of em...right now using pantene. For me what really transforms my hair is 'conditioner'. Though lot of people have adviced me against using garnier I still prefer Garnier silky straight conditioner for frizz free hair:)

    1. Now that is clever ;) If its working for you, it doesn't matter :)
      I wish I could say the same. Forget getting sick of a shampoo, I am glad to have found my HG! :D
      Namita <3


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