Saturday 19 October 2013

for those days when you are so bored, you don't even want to read the title

Those days when you are as uninspired as a bowl of chips -_- The days that are as sluggish as you on the couch. Those days when you want to shut down the drapes, snake across the bed and do nothing. Not even Vampire Diairies. *Shock. Horror. Gasp* Those days when you want an effing break. Those days when you want to sleep in all day but that is just as boring as everything else. Those days when music is noise. Those days when you feel fat.

Yea, those days are normal and that is okay too.

Now is when you should pamper yourself.

And like Damon says, "If I were you, I would be extra nice to me now!"

Here is some inspiration - photos, links, that will make the day better. Book mark for such 'those days'. *Seriously, not just 'those days'. Damn, other days than the 'those days' that feel like 'those days'*

PS: Compiled on one such 'those days' of mine :) ;)

This song to feel a morbid sense of I don't know, being human.  Its okay to be insecure now and then, because then you'll remind yourself you are amazing. And then that is awesome 'cuz nobody can remind you that better than yourself. Life is beautiful, old sport :) GO WATCH GREAT GATSBY!

Hey, Soul Sister - always brightens up my day :)

Hotel California - because classics are so for a reason :)

Without you here - the beauty of this song kills me!

You're beautiful  - Yes you are :*

When you say nothing at all  - Oh!

Shoe Porn - we all need it.

And this video OMG! I am accepting with all my heart, it taught me how to walk -_- And now? Bring it on, stilettos 8)

Lets make this weekend a little more beautiful :)

And lets make it DIY! :)

1. Wash your face.
2. Scrub.
3.Put on a face pack.
4. Steam may be (before application, through, after).
5. Wash.
6. Moisturize.
7.Hello, beautiful :)

Here are some super simple face packs:

1. Normal Skin - Cucumber Face Pack

  • Grated Cucumber
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon powder (if you want)

Mix, mash, strain, apply! :) Voila!

2. Oily Skin - Tomato + Lemon 

  • Tomato and lemon juice, of course.
  • Add some honey.

Mix, let it sit on your face for a while. Wash it off.

3. Dry Skin - Cream/Yogurt

  • Just add some rose water to thin it if its too thick. Slather. Rinse.

While you are at it, condition your hair too - coconut oil is just so enough for some moisture.

Lets look at the nails now:

Or you want it simple, pink your favorite color will never fail you.

Read - Philosophy, fun, morbid. Something. Anything. Because its the food for the soul. 

2. Lists - that will get you through anything.

3. Inspiration - search for more.

5. Pick a book.

6. Browse through Instagram feeds, or We Heart It. They have a way of growing on you :)

7. Sitcom marathons! - Anything you want - your aim? To feel good :)

So do it! :)

You know why? 'Cuz its okay to be a glow stick - sometimes you have to break before you shine :) Its okay to be burnt out 'cuz that way you make way for renewed inspiration, renewed love for life. Because everybody needs a break. We cannot always be jumping around with optimism fountain-ing on your skull and light glowing out your bum! So its okay :) Just make sure that you aren't staying sad. Because that is not very awesome :) 

Put the light back in your heart, bokeh filters in your eyes, blush on your cheeks, color on your lips, and nails.

And life back in your life :)

There you go, happy bunny! :D

PS: I have kept this post as short as I could manage :D Honestly, if I were bored and grumpy as hell, a loooooooong post on how to make it better would piss me off -_- 

PPS: All images are taken from Pinterest

The shoe video is from here

And while I am at it, you should go here for my Instagram feed. I am most times posting happy pictures. And some self obsession now and then ;) 

That's it for now. I'll go indulge in every thing I said above now okay? Have a nice weekend all of you, see ya on Monday! :) 

I will leave you with a very gangsta picture of mine! :D 

I got swag, baby :3 *AHAHAHAHAHAH!! I died looking at what I just typed!*

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  1. "We cannot always be jumping around with optimism fountain-ing on your skull and light glowing out your bum! " u to make a morning goooood :D

  2. everyday is not jus same... but yea.. u r the only person who can make it right :)


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