Sunday, 2 June 2013

June Lust List

I have realized one thing - my rotis will never be round in shape. If by chance they are, then they'll be so thick, you might as well use them as cushions. It was proven today too. I made gobi paratha today, they tasted real good. But the shapes were a total disaster. My next door neighbor boy (the kid that loves strawberries) took it in his hand, bit it, but lo! He has just two front teeth on the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw. So he tried biting a few times, got frustrated and gave it back to me with a 'Dafaq is this' face. Epic fail! But daddy approves of the taste, so yea.

See? They look delicious know?

With this my wish list for June begins.

1. Learn to make round rotis, else who'll marry me? :o :P Check this, so hilarious!


2. Red Shoes

I dreamt of red shoes a couple of days nights ago. And I believe, one should always work toward's one's dreams. In this case, work towards acquiring red shoes.

3. Newspaper Nails

I have been wanting to do newspaper nails from so long, guess these vacations are the right time.

4. Accessories

I have this insatiable urge to buy a lot of accessories these days - rings, cuffs, bracelets and more.

5. Transparent umbrella with polka dots

Yes, my friend. It's rainy season here and I want an umbrella with polka dots on it. Or many different colored umbrellas with polka dots on them. *Sigh*

6. Shoulder Bag from Versace

Love love love this! So perfect to brighten up the cloudy days ^_^

Pretty much that's it, I guess ;)

What are you craving for this month you guys? :)

Image sources: All images are from Pinterest. I don't claim any ownership. Except the roti, it's from random Googling and the gobi paratha is mine :D

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  1. Even i want a polka dotted umbrella!!!!

  2. Iv a million stuff in my lust list for the month:MAC Concealer hits the top spot :D

  3. Hi you have a Very Nice Blog. . .
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