Thursday, 3 January 2013

Quotes for The Girl and Some Goodies

You know those days when you have a good night of sleep? I do. After a fortnight of torture and being a zombie, I finally got some sleep :D YAY! me :D I do have an exam tomorrow, but its like my favorite subject :D So yea, hello, UNIX!

After an evening of pampering, I was going through Cosmo and found an interesting article. It was about self depreciating humor. And how it is very cool laugh at yourself. And how, that is affecting us in a bad way, slowly but steadily.

What the article says is, the more you put yourself down, even in a fun way, the more you resent yourself and think you are stupid. Remember our very own Clumsy Bella Swan from Twilight? Or Anastasia Steele from Fifty Shades of Trilogy? Why do we women always need somebody to validate us?

No no no, this is not another rage filled post. It took me a long time to come out of the intensity of Delhi Rape incident. I am still not over it, will never be. But I have to loosen up my mind and calm down. Its too mind taxing and intense.

So, I was thinking. Are all women the same? Sure we have moments where we need people to fill us with confidence and make us feel good. But wouldn't it be pathetic if that had to happen on daily basis?

I, for your FYI, am a champion at self humor. I might not be too crude and too blunt, but I do am guilty of it. I don't mean we should all become grump bags with zero humor and get offended at the nip of a joke. But we should know the limits, making sure not to make you feel inefficient.

This will also boost your confidence levels and keep you going :) If you are somebody with a confidence level that keeps flickering, then I suggest you to try pinning motivational and self love quotes. It might sound cheesy, it might sound lame, but the amount of stability it gives you fantastic. It helps you look at yourself in new light :)

Check my board here.

One of my New Year resolutions is to be happy :D oh and I am totally doing that DIY - Fill a jar with all happy things that will happen to you this 2013 :) I'll get my camera back tomorrow, so the project is scheduled to Saturday ;) Wait and watch :D

Here are some quotes that made me feel good :)

Also, I recently received some super adorable goodies from Yes, the same site that sponsored the giveaway that ended recently. I absolutely loved everything that I received. Check them out for a beautiful collection of jewelry and some awesome apparels. They offer free shopping for orders beyond $15! Isn't it great?

You like? Let me know what you think!

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  1. wow they are so beautiful jewellery dear
    loved the article and each quote is awesome dear :) <3

  2. Pretty jewellery.Sometimes I feel offended at the very same joke which I cracked on myself days before, if blurted out by my husband/bro. I can be so unpredictable at times.

  3. oh my !!! what amazing pieces!! lucky you :)
    hehe i laughed so hard at that comic strip. that's so me when i wake up, i get angry to be waken up lol
    inspiring post

  4. Very beautiful post & I also like the jewelry pics :)

  5. loved the post! i feel the same too... neways love the pics <3

  6. nice aricle nammu ) loved all of them specially the 1st n 3rd one the most.. oh i mean the goodies :D
    All the best for Unix :P


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