Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Coral Sunset

What is worse than a sun tan? A sun freakin' burn! I had decided to make a post on the celebrity spotting in Golden Globe Award ceremony, but then, I am too obsessed and freaked out looking at my arms right now :o I had my driving licence test today and was waiting in the hot sun to get myself tested. Yes, I had conveniently forgotten to slather on sunscreen :( Its that scary color you end up with when red and brown mix. YUCK! :@ I want to scrape my skin off now :(

In other news, yours truly successfully passed her driving licence test today, for both two wheeler and four wheeler 8) Thanks to the RTO, Bangalore, I'll be getting it in almost less than a month! I mean WHEN ON EARTH WILL WE GET ITEMS SOONER? PAN card? 15 days. ATM card? 20 days. DL? 30 days. Wow!

In more of other news, it was my best friend's birthday yesterday and I so had a blast! I gave him 24 gifts for 24 hours :D Haha :D I would have loved to share the photos, but offlate, I want to keep my personal life a little more personal. Well, but you will get a glimpse of what I wore, mortal.

Okay, more than a glimpse :D Its a full blown OOTD with a totally crappy photographer and crappier terrace. #SorrySister

*what was I thinking*

The tunic is from tradus.com. I think I paid Rs.700/-, not sure. Its a very pretty very chirpy coral colored beauty! It also has a belt, but I left it out because it sort of 'cut me off' at the waist.
That pair of capris is from Cherokee. Rs.1300/- originally, but got for Rs.1000/- after discount. Its super comfortable and fits snugly :) The shoes are from Malleshwaram 8th cross, Bangalore. I think its Rs.650/-  The bag is from Oriflame, I got it for free 'cuz I am a consultant :P I ain't sure of the price, somewhere around 2k may be. The watch is from Oriflame again, again a gift :P Cost, around 2k :) It has Swaroski crystals ^_^ The bracelet is from gofavor.com. I thought I'll give a close up of my face, but the new acne outburst made me squirm a lot. FYI, I had loads of concealer, tinted moisturizer, kajal, mascara and Maybelline Tinted Taupe. Because, well, men don't really like makeup.

You let me know how you liked me. 
*You have to like me, no other option. May be one. Like a lot ;) *

PS: College is beginning from tomorrow :D And boy, I love even semesters :D Bring it on, 4th sem 8) 

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  1. Love your bag :) So elegant.
    Good luck for tomorrow :)

    Aree With Umbrella

  2. Seems like I'm meeting u after a long time Nami.Nice bag and I am likeeeng u:D

  3. Nice bag! :)Would you like to join my international giveaway?

  4. looking pretty...
    loved ur bag.... :)

  5. You should wear this color more, really compliments your skintone!

    Kisses from Dubai!

  6. u look so cute and pretty Namitha :* n loved the tunic so bright n awesome :)
    me too love even sems but this is my last sem... dnt knw if i shud be happy or sad ! :P

    1. Thank you Poorva! Oh I wish I was in last sem :\

  7. awwwww ure soooo cute be it ur style of writing or posing ..btw u do know the bag still has the tag :p :p

    1. Haha thanks Lee :D Oh IKR?! I observed it now jeez :D

  8. Such a nice outfit! Love this bag :)

  9. hey ive just given u a blog award... check here :) http://beautyfulljourney.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/blog-award-by-jiya/

  10. LOl..i hate tan too! It looks fugly!
    Btw u looking good!

  11. I loveeee your tunic Nam!!!!!!! :) :)
    Nice outfit!! :D
    Oh btw, I hate even even semesters!! :D

  12. Cuteee the color suita you a lot !


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