Heyyyyyyyyyy sexyyy ladiessss :D
Okay no I ain't totally retarded yet :P I am still in Gangnam style. Or may be, that was a pathetic attempt to say a cheesy Hi :D I'll instead say, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......................... Waant 2 maek fraaaaaandshipppp with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????????????????" like those creepy guys on Facebook :P
So how is the New Year Celebrations coming? :D How many of you are partying like there is no tomorrow? How many of you are going to snuggle up in bed with a movie + book + blanket + vanilla pastries and coke? *Sulk* Okay, lets not go there now :D
I am pretty sure all your party dresses are picked out and kept ready by now! If not, fret not! Just over dress.
Here are some pretty ways to dress up in five minutes and look like a million buck ;)
*I know I know, I am terribly late and should have done this looooong before, but hey! Better late than never, know?*

Okay no I ain't totally retarded yet :P I am still in Gangnam style. Or may be, that was a pathetic attempt to say a cheesy Hi :D I'll instead say, "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......................... Waant 2 maek fraaaaaandshipppp with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????????????????" like those creepy guys on Facebook :P
So how is the New Year Celebrations coming? :D How many of you are partying like there is no tomorrow? How many of you are going to snuggle up in bed with a movie + book + blanket + vanilla pastries and coke? *Sulk* Okay, lets not go there now :D
Here are some pretty ways to dress up in five minutes and look like a million buck ;)
*I know I know, I am terribly late and should have done this looooong before, but hey! Better late than never, know?*
You can never go wrong with white! Add in some hotness with the pink and class with the crystals ;) Effortless chic it is!
Alright, you don't have time to hunt down the perfect dress now. Never mind, lets add some zing to your formal wear ;) Pair that red skirt with a nice, flow-y top with a good neck and sleeve. And let your accessories do the talking tonight ;) Either go for blue! The neck piece the shoes and the clutch. Or be the golden goddess ;)
Either way, the surprise color will make sure you stand out from the crowd!
Well you are out of any dresses and formals?! Or you don't want to be the damsel tonight, but be the offbeat girl :D No worries, I have got you covered. Pair in some print and lace, they'll balance out each other. Add in color with your shoes and neck piece Brownie points if they match ;) And voila! There you go, color blocked and hotchh! Oh but don't forget the clutch. Bling, is what screams PARRRRTYYYY!!
These are perfect under the lace! Get the beast out ;)
That must have pretty much covered all of you :D
Do some amazing manicure and get those extra stares! Bling up, baby!
Now you are perfectly sorted know? Thank me! *Smug face*
Lets move on to resolutions now?
Firstly, I am not a resolutions person cuz I never follow them. The reason I don't is I make them too rigid. Like "No chocolates!" and its broken right at 12 05 AM :D
Or 'Lose weight!'. How much? Clueless!
It helps if you make small changes that lead to bigger ones, gradually you'll see the required change :)
Here are mine for 2013 :D
1. Make a choice to be happy.
Because life is too short to be mind fucked for an year. The year 2012 went like Swoosh!! and now I am welcoming 2013!
2. Grow longer hair :D
Hehe :D I have this viscious circle :P I grow loong hair, then I cut it because it gets damaged then I cut it again then, you get the drift! It all happens cuz I never really take care of my hair :\ This time I am serious. Like Back Straight- Eyes fixed on the wall- feet in attention-determined-face serious 8) I am getting a trim soon and hello, long hair!
3. Read more.
Some food for the soul. Period.
4. Get back to my actual weight.
And that is just 3-5 kg away. Fluctuations happening, thanks to IFuckinHateYou hormones.
5. Blog regularly
*hides face* I have been a terrible blogger when it comes to regular updation. Other wise I am awesome.
6. Stop planning so much already
Life is uncertain. Let it go astray and sit back, watch with some popcorn in hand :D
7. Forgive more
I can be a total bitch. With a wonderful memory.
8. Love myself very very much.
Yes, more it should be. I mean c'mon! Why shouldn't I be self obsessed now? :P
9. Eat more chocolate
You want me explain that?
10. Get fringes.
A lot of them.
11. Use more glitter
12. Stop being judgmental
Yea, I tend to get judgmental super easily.
13. Feel beautiful
Why? Cuz we are :) Cuz I am.
14. Dream. More.
15. Learn typography.
16. Try not to be retardish.
Okay! So that is my list :D This is all I can think of right now ^_^
I am signing off now, too excited to go get my pastries and chips and coke and more calories home :D
You guys go have fun okay? Party hard, dance like nobody's watching :) While you do it, stay safe girls!
Make a promise to yourself this year - to love more, to kiss harder :* :*
Wishing you all a wonderful and fabulous new year guys!
*Bear hugss!*
Until Next Year,
Miss me ;)

happy new year hon !!!! :* :* . . hard kiss...lol :D
ReplyDeleteThank you di :* :* :* Harder kiss :D Hehehe :D Wishing you the very same! Have a fantastic year ahead! <3
DeleteHappy new year Nami!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Shylu :* Same to you doll! <3 *hugs*
Deletehapppiiieeee new yearr Namita :* lovely pictures you've put up :D me just watching tv, n might go for dinner with parents :P
Thank you Poorva :D :* Wish you too a fabulous new year :* Aawww me did the same minus parents :D
Deleteyou never fail to make me laugh throughout your post, lol, keep at it. Happy New year sweetheart :)
ReplyDeleteHey thank you so much, Earthwalker :) that is a cool screen name! Wish you the same :)
DeleteHappy New year nammu.. :d have loads of fun :D
ReplyDeleteThank you Rajani :) Same to you!
DeleteWishing you an awesome year ahead dear :)
ReplyDeleteOpal! :) Thank you so much, wishing you the same love :*
DeleteHappy New year Namita!! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you babe! :) Wish you too a fantastic year ahead :)
DeleteHaahaa Love it ! Great post :D
ReplyDeletexoxo <3
thank you Shanaya :)