Monday, 24 December 2012

The Best Ways to get Toned Arms ~Fitness Motivation~

Merry Christmas folks! :)

There is a reason December is my favorite season.Everything is just so sparkly and glittery. The cold has a sense of peace in it. Don't get me wrong, I love how bubbly summer is, what with bright colors and chirpy birds and all, but the fall nails it with a sense of fullness. All I wanna do is settle down with a hot mug of coffee and read a fantastic book.
But life has other plans. Semester end exams with a whole lot of insane textbooks. I mean why do we need Mathematics in life if we don't plan on getting on research? Or become a scientist and do all those geeky stuff scientists do? All we need is some addition, subtraction and multiplication know? To convert dollars to rupees while shopping online? Or to buy the number of lipsticks? Oh and a sound knowledge of colors. They should educate us with various shades of pinks and yellows and reds.

Anyway, its been pretty long I updated the fitness section. So here I am with the best of the exercises for toning the arms and some fitness motivation :)

There is actually no way to tone a specified part of the body. The best way to tone is to tone all over. But sometimes, some parts of the body are a lil tougher to tone than the rest, reasons being the genes. I, for one, have a problem with my arms. Arm fat is not impossible to lose. But well, you can always focus a teeny bit on such problem areas and get them under control :)

The workouts below are mainly for people that work out at home and follow work out videos. 

These are perfect to lose arm flab. An excellent alternative is water bottle! Yes, the very humble water bottles can help you get rid of fatty arms. Use them during your workouts and also when you are idle and watching something. Your hands are free, just use them to lift the bottles up and down ;)
Hello, toned arms :)

I don't know when I'll do push-ups with ease. But this is in fact a wonderful way to lose arm flab and get some bad ass muscles. Include push-ups in your daily workout routine.
This push up below is the easiest way to ease it. If you are like me, then rest on your knees and continue with the rest. 


Arm Circles/Windmills
Remember how our PE sirs in school made us do the windmills? I miss PE for a reason. I used to be so fit and toned in school in spite of eating junk like a pig. *Sigh* Include a lot of windmills and reverse windmills for those sexy arms.

Shoulder Press
This too, is a wonderful exercise to tone up the arms.You can jump some jacks with this for the cardio.

Overhead bend
Stand with your feet hip width apart and bend across your body. The left hand to the right ear and beyond and right hand to the left ear and beyond. Hold the weights while you are at it.

These must sort you out for a while ;) I shall be back soon with more :)

Moving on, here is some fitness motivation. 

Workout for the holidays and the parties and the sexy dresses ;) 

Image sources: Pinterest.

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  1. very motivating Nammi...
    since quite a few days i have been quite lazy and not doing my workouts properly.. shuld start it now... lol :P

  2. I loved all of these posts. A lot of these things we have, but I got some really great ideas.

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  3. Thanks very much for the video, it was greatly enjoyed!

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