Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Lakme Enriched Satin Pinks and Mauves 131 Swatches, Review

I have this friend who is a complex creature. When you meet her for the first time, you want to punch in her face, she is that arrogant. As you slowly get to know her, say two-three weeks, you'll know she is actually pretty sweet. Once you totally get to know her, she would have become a very good friend.

Like this Lakme lipstick. *Okay well, we don't make friends with lipsticks. I don't :P* *And wait, what's with my comparison :o*

When I ordered this and got the package home, I wanted to throw it away.I mean the packaging isn't cute at all :o It looks like a lighter more than a lippie. I had ordered the shade Pinks and Mauves 251 and when I opened the cap and twisted, I had the shock of my life! I mean hello, it looked brown. Like those very matte and 'old' looking browns. Right then I decided I would never use this. And it was lost in my backless closets of Narnia.

Recently, while searching for my face wipes, it fell down and rolled to my feet begging for a review. *Smug face* Alright, I said and swatched it on my wrist. BAM! A pretty pink color painted my dainty wrist.I mean what happened? It got kissed by a princess or something? :D From right then, this baby has become my everyday lippie ^_^

Its a soft pink that looks all rosy and natural on lips. It has minute glitter which isn't over the top. True to its title, it glides easily on the lips and stays put for a decent period. I swipe it over plain lip balm. When I need a glossier finish, I swipe a tad more and use clear gloss over it! And I am done :)

For Rs.225/-, I think its a pretty darn good lippie. It stays for like 3 hours without eating, drinking and other things we do with our lips ;) You can always re-apply, know? :)

The only issue I have is with the smell. It smells sort of artificial, crayon types. Sensitive noses might have a problem, though you can't smell it once its on your lips. I don't think anybody would sniff their own lips :P *How do you do that anyway? :D*

I would give it a -1 for the crayon smell.

Have you used it? No? Let me know! :)
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  1. color looks amazing... :) :D

  2. Nice shade nami!do a lip swatch na?

    1. I'll do asap and update it Shylu,the weather here is super gloomy!

  3. I just realized I don't own any lipsticks from Lakme...need to get one..nice shade btwn :)

    1. They have some pretty darn good shades Opal, do try :)

  4. I love your picture on the right Namita! :)
    been a while, since i visited your blog. SO, here I am! :D


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