Tuesday, 30 October 2012

An App Review: WeChat

How I hate it that my phone isn't Android supported. When I was selected by Blogadda for their sponsored reviews programme, for reviewing WeChat app, I was more than happy! And then lo! We Chat isn't supported on Bada and hence, me was shattered :(
But then, brain works at times, you know. I used dad dearest's phone for WeChat and here I am with a review! :D

App: WeChat
Developed and launched by: Tencent

I find the logo absolutely adorable! Look at that, how very cute! ^_^

WeChat is a social messaging app that has 200 million users worldwide. It also is the only app to offer Video/Audio calling and voice messaging.
It is basically a free mobile communication and social networking app for smart phones and offers group chat text and voice (upto 40 people!), push to talk voice messaging, location based friend discovery social features and more.

You can also share data - images and video, location and contact information.

The features of WeChat are too many to list, but well, here are some more ;)
Broadcast messaging, animated and custom emoticons, backgrounds that are super customisable and emoji art!

What more? It also has a Rock Paper Scissors mini game ^_^

There is interesting feature called 'Shake'. And yours truly had LOADS of fun with that :D You 'Shake' your phone, as in physically shake it, and it will list the other users that are shaking :D
#They don't really have to be in your friend circle though :o

The integrated social media connect is a boon! For those of us always on the move, its a sexy way to keep in touch with gossip gupshup ;)

Look Around lists all people using the app at the same time as you. Its a fun way to connect, know?

Oh and bloggers, here is something you'll absolutely love! They have a wonderful way of applying various filters and pretty-fying the already pretty stuff :)

The interface supports 17 languages including English, Hindi, Thai, Portuguese and more :)

We Chat is supported on Android, iOS, Symbian(V3 and V5)  and Windows. And Blackberry boys (and gals) they are launching it for you in a while.

While I absolutely LURVED this app, one thing that constantly bothers me is security. I mean, when you 'shake', or 'look around', its the people that are not there in your network of friends that get featured. How secure am I? But then, if you are smart enough while making new fraaandship, this is an excellent way to connect!
Also, I would be so glad if they develop it for Bada too. I still don't understand why Bada is always the neglected kid :( WhatsApp too :( Hmph! :@

Other than that, its a fabulous app, I would give it a 4/5.

And guess what? You can download it absolutely free of cost from www.wechatapp.com.

So ya all, use it and let me know how you like it :)



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