Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Doll Up Girl!

I honestly have no idea what to write about today. I am having a holiday tomorrow, and today I spent the whole morning (and noon) pampering and prettifying myself :D I didn't expect tomorrow to be a holiday, so I wrote my lab records all evenings and hence, no good pictures for reviews. I did click few pictures for the review of my hair dryer, but they turned out to be very very crappy, thanks to artificial lighting :| I had plans of a FOTD too, sachchi! I thought I'll post some images from Pinterest, ya know, nice inspirational, or fitness related or more DIYs, but that would be choking - too many images these days. So I thought, let me list down the basic make-up required for college girls. Okay now, don't roll eyes you! I'll tell you why this post is a life saver. *ahem*

There are two sides to this basic make-up. 
The first set wears high coverage foundation (approx 1.2 inch thick), compact, primer, falsies, smokey eye, lipstick, reflecting lip gloss that's so shiny, you 've got to wear sunglasses, gallons of hair products, compact, blushes excetra. 
The second set wears, nothing. Like bare, naked face. Not a trace of anything :o I ain't saying its a crime, its all about personal choices. But most people that I interact with of the second set, usually want to know to start with prettification, but don't know where to start from. 
I hope this serves a guide for make-up beginners, to college 8)

I personally don't believe in loud, shimmery, In Your Face make up to college. Make up should be used to enhance the pretty features and lessen the imperfections. 

1. Moisturizer and sunscreen
These are the real bases to your make-up. A moisturizer keeps your skin happy and sunscreen keeps it healthy. The travel involved in college life has a lot of sun exposure, so invest in a good, non-clogging sunscreen to protect your skin.

2. Tinted moisturizer
A tinted moisturizer  gives a pretty good coverage, and isn't as obvious as a foundation. Dab on some for a flawless skin.

3. Compact
Set the moisturizer with a compact. If you have oily skin, this will matte-fy and control the oil for a good three hours.

4. Lipbalm
I can't stress enough on the importance of lipbalm. The skin on your lips is much more delicate than the rest of your face. Always use a protecting lip balm :) and keep  re-applying. If you are just starting with make-up, you can try tinted lipbalms. They aren't as obvious as lipsticks and stains, but give a pretty hint of color. A clear gloss, or one with a hint of color is a great option too :)

5. Kajal
I am an in and out kohl girl. Nothing can beat the well defined look of neatly lined eyes :)

6. Mascara
This really opens up the eye. With late night chats studies, dead lines to be met, internals and exams, you can't always achieve your beauty sleep know? Fret not, my friend, mascara will do it for you 8)

7. Eye liner
This is not really basic, but adds in a definition to the eyes. Experiment with the very many liquid, gel and pencil liners. Oh, and the colors too! ^_^

According to me, these are enough for everyday college routine. It takes less than five minutes to get dolled up :) You can always touch them up anytime of the day! What are waiting rooms for, anyway? ;)

This is how I look on most days of college ;)

Image Sources:
All images except the last one have been Google-d. I don't claim any ownership.



  1. looks so pretty dear ! loved all the essentials listed..true must hav's..u got a chutti because of the bharat bandh no ? :( I didn't ..hmph :@

    1. Thanks doc :) Lol yesh 8) i am happy bunny ;) Sad for you though ;)

  2. you look pretty dr :)
    well in ma college days it was nly abt Kajal nd gloss :)

    1. Thank you Prerana :) I would love to see atleast that on so many faces ;)

  3. In my college days it was just kajal and nothing else, but now my daily beauty regime includes moisturising-kajal-eyeliner-bb cream-lip balm...well, that's it:D


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