Tuesday, 3 July 2012


OK SO! :D *Damn I am too happy to even say 'Hey'!*

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Well no :D I ain't gonna tell you my secrety secrety project yet, but hey the good news, wait, the bestest efffing news is here WUHOOOOOOO!!! :D

You guys remember my 'tragedy'? Well yea, now its gone :D I am a happy, happy girl!


I never told you guys what it was! I'll tell you now! :D

OK! SO I had gotten my 1st year B.Tech results DAYS ago. I had a sexy percentage but ya know what? I had a back in Electronics. *Shudders* Fuck! That was the worstest thing ever! *Grammer Nazi? Bite Me!*

I was so devastated. I mean OMFG! I am not a topper, I don't get effing top ranks :D I belong to the last bench club and study my ass off only hours before the exam :P And get decent marks. Mind you, decent enough to make me happy and keep my parents sane too! But heck, I am not the one to flunk :o For crying out loud, I was mind fucked. *You'll know if you have read me from quite a long :)*

Well then I applied for revaluation. And it took 25 fucking days to come out. Yea. Usually it doesn't take more than a week (mine is an autonomous institution) but this took 25 days. And I have been half dead all these days. Damn the emotional roller coaster ride. One point I would feel so optimistic like 'You are gonna get through this shit, lady!You are Ms.Kashyap!' and next moment I would be like, 'OMFG OMFG! What if what if InsertShitHere'! To be honest, even last night I was feeling like throwing up :D You see, I knew results would be out today :) My intuition is back to sanity :) I knew it :)
This day is something I have been waiting with baited breath from 25 fucking days. Yes. 

And finally, this evening by 4, it came out!

I have cleared the paper :)


I was so happy so happy, I didn't even bother to know how much marks I got :D
If you really wanna know, I got a 7 pointer 8) From flunking to a 7 pointer. The Ways of Life NMIT. Oh I got 20 marks more. 20 effing more marks!! :D :D :D 

I am sooo busy texting away people who had always been sure and confident and sure (again) of this day, 'Reval results out! I cleared it! :D :D :D YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYY!!' 

Rashmi di, got my text know? :D Mmwahh! 

*PHEWWWWWW!!!* At last, I am free :D I am feeling so calm so much at peace, I am almost floating, zen state ^_^ 

Let me tell you guys, The Secret is The Truth. Period. You attract everything in your life. Face it.

Now that I have experienced it myself, I am gonna be posting a LOT of it here. 

Transformed me :)

So my girls, I'll be much more regular and post a lot from this hour :D I have a sexy 2 months of vacations left! BLISSS IS WHAT IT IS, my friend :* :*

YAYAYAYAYAYYAYYAAY! I am awesome, fucking awesome :D

PS: Ignore the self obsession, I am way too happy to censor my self talk ;) *Keep it up Ms.Kashyap, your life is indeed a fairytale 8) * *pats herself on her own back. Err Okay, shoulder is easier to reach! FLAB, HERE I COME! Seriously, I COME!*

Mmmmwaahh!! :D *Blows kisses!*



  1. YAY!! The Secret is indeed powerful haina Ms. Kashyap :)

    Party time :)

    1. It totally is! :D Thank you Namita :) Haha yes indeed! ;)

  2. I was just going to DM u abt it..good that I read it here..u must be busy partying :P :D
    Congos babe...*told ya* ;)

  3. This happens to every engg student.I'm one too.But jus now finished:D From the day wen they announce not the results but tat results wil be declared, v die every minute.phewww!!!

    1. Echoed my feelings ;) Aah I got to wait 3 more years ;)

  4. Hehe.. this happened to me too! I got electrical in sem1.. and electronic in sem2! I did not clear the backs :P I answered again! and then cleared with good average marks. I hated thoes subs yaar! After that I did not get any backs, as u move on u will also learn tricks of studying in engineering gradually =]
    I was sooo happy when I finally Graduated last year!
    Do visit my blog!

    1. Hehehe :P Typical senior ;) thank you very much :D I am not gonna put myself through such shit again :P Oh sure I'll :) I will be so glad if you can join in my giveaway! :)

  5. oh! had no idea you were going through such a struggle. am happy for you. Congratulations, girl! i haven't read the secret yet, but love to know your experience about it. have a great day :) mwwaaah

    1. CC :) Haha it was a shitty phase :P Glad its over! Thank you :* Mmwah! :)

  6. Congrats dear :-) That's something big! Treat?:P

  7. Good that the ordeal is finally over...and now that you are smiling, expecting whole lot of positive posts from you. Shit happens, what matters is whether you get up from the blow and put up a fight...

    1. Oh ya, expect a spammed dashboard :D I am a happy girl! :) Second that Opal :)

  8. Many congoz from this side as well Babe :)

  9. congrats, Nami :) waise your Rashmi di must be busy in wedding :D or probably post-wedding things :) waiting for her to come back!!!

    1. Thank you Swati :) Rashmi di is busy :P I did send her a text and later she had called, I couldn't answer :( And now I am unable to connect! Can't wait for her to come back! :*

    2. awww...that's sad!!! at least we would have known whats up with her??? I guess she might have been probably married by now, right???
      btw, how do you know her???

    3. Ikr?! I missed her call by a minute and damn couldn't call back :( Yes, she is happily married by now :) Don't have exact updates though, not much to stalk on her FB profile :P
      Err like how do I know her?! Didn't get you :P

  10. So happy for you! Gloat around all day, you deserve it!

    1. Maila :D thank you sweetie :* Oh I am so doing it ;)


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