Sunday, 15 July 2012

Much Deserved Break

Hello there Munchkins! :)

I spent the WHOLE morning clicking pictures for product reviews today 8) I have found the perfect solution for laziness :D 'Click pictures for product reviews at one go 8)'. That way, you'll have photos ready, you'll just have to write type. How cool is that?! *Very cool if you ask me*

Unfortunately, I ain't gonna be posting any product reviews today :P I have posts to schedule you see 8) You ask why? *Didn't you? ASK.NOW.* OK. I am going to my aunt's house. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D This aunt I am talking about is my mom's youngest sister. She is one relative whom I lurve. She is my guide, my best friend and my guardian angel. She has always been there for me :) Damn I LOVE her! :*

We were room mates for more than 5 years :D And then she got married last May :( Not that I am sad she got married, but I totally haven't caught up with her after that :( Sad know? I so totally miss her :( *Sob* *Sniff*

Now that I have holidays, I am going to her pace! 8) And I AM SO HAPPY! YAY! :D Late night talks, home made pizzas, unlimited ice-creams, bitching about other relatives, her in-laws,  new make-up stuff (she introduced me to the world of make-up ^_^), dresses, Sub Way, malls, Brigade Road, the life lessons that she teaches me, the ranting, the consoling aaaaaaahh! Love everything! I can't wait to meet her tomorrow :D I have SO.MUCH. to update her with ;)

And so, I will be gone for 2 days. Yes. Just two days. I am jobless and unemployed, but she isn't you see :| I am totally detaching myself from the Internet these two days :D I had plans of not taking my phone too, but my guy lives in it ^_^.

So girls, I will leave you with a photo of her, a photo of mine on her engagement :)

Isn't she the prettiest bride ever? And the most chirpy? Most lively? Most Ah-Mazing?! :* :* :* 

Me :D The Bridesmaid 8) 

And this is how I look right now! :D Waiting for tomorrow's 8 AM! 

Miss me till I am back OKAY? :)

Mmwahh! :)

Have a wonderful week ahead you guys! :* :)

Image sources:-
The last image has been Google-d. I don't claim any ownership.



  1. She's gorgeous just like you! :) Go and enjoy yourself.. I'll be missing you! ;)


  2. u look angry at someone.. hahah :P Glad u enjoyed! :)

    Maybe you have time see my New post- Florals & Orange

    An exciting International Giveaway on my blog- Win a Pair of 3D Glasses :)


  3. wow! sounds like so much fun! have a great great time with her. I love walks on brigade road. sigh

  4. Both looking pretty :-)

  5. d bride sure looks pretty!!! weddings are so much fun :)

    Ure looking lovely in tht colour, more pics

    1. Second that! :) Sure, I'll put them up sometime :)

  6. you both are looking great ! :)

    Bong's Belleza

  7. Great blog! Very stylish and well diversified. :)
    Welcome to my blog:
    Yours. Patricja [;

  8. pretty ladies ...namitha u just rock i am a fan of ur writing skills


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