Saturday, 14 July 2012

Viviana Kajal Pencil Review, Swatches, EOTD and FOTD

Hello there Peppermints! :)

You know something? Nature heard me 8) It rained here in Bangalore last evening! Like CATS AND DOGS! ^_^ ^_^ Whoa! I am so so happy :D You know me, rains and cloudy weather make me a happy bunny 8) And before it rained, there was nice, warm sunshine and I thought, 'what better job than take some pictures for my beautiful readers?', so here it is, my review of Viviana Kajal, EOTD and FOTD! :) *I sound so, so cheesy -_-*

Product: Kajal 
Brand: Viviana
Type: Pencil
Cost: Rs.99/-
Quantity: 1.6 grams
Shade: Black (obviously :P)

What does the company claim?

Make up is incomplete without beautification of eyes. Kajal has been an integral part of eye makeup since centuries. 
Viviana™ Kajal & Eye Pencils
 are blended with Vegetable Carbon Black and Natural Waxes.

  • Castor Oil
  • Vegetable Carbon Black
  • Camphor & Natural waxes
  • Water Resistant
You can buy it at UrbanTouch, SnapItToday for Rs.89/- :)

You can find more products and offers at their website and their Facebook page.

 Well the product comes in a neat black and gold colored packaging with a cap. Cute! :) Its got a blunt point and has to be sharpened for a sharp one. I personally like blunt edges cuz I am a kajal person. I love thick, black lined eyes :) Also, it has to be sharpened - hygienic :)

The kajal has good pigmentation and an impressive staying power. A good 4 hours on water line. Its not creamy, but is easy to apply and doesn't smudge. The company claims that it contains castor oil, camphor and natural waxes, which I love ^_^ 

Find the swatches below:

And this is me wearing the kajal ^_^ 

The FOTD! :) :D You guys notice the redness? Its because of chums >.< 

That is my 'Don't-smile-at-the-camera-try-being-natural-face' and no. You are not allowed to laugh at it. no.No.NO.NO!!!
Oh and its the Viviana kajal 8) 
*I added a warmth filter cuz the lighting was bad :P*

And those of that missed Week 1's face, here it is :)

Go here for complete post. I have started adding 'Week no.' for easy reference :P 

Looks good, doesn't? I personally like the kajal. And it does stand up to its claim, is water resistant. 
All in all, its a good product - economical, hygienic, well pigmented, water resistant and smudge resistant. 

Have you guys used it? Loved it? Loathed it? Let me know your experiences :D

PS: Product has been sent by the company for review purpose. It hasn't affected my review though. Hand on heart 

Image sources:
All images are mine. 



  1. Reminds of an old song

    ye kaali kaali aankhein, ye gore gore gaal

    1. Haha *blushes* You are very generous! :D thank you! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Sure sweetie, do lemme know how it works for you :)

  3. u have such pretty eyes :D and loved ur 'Don't-smile-at-the-camera-try-being-natural-face' FOTD ;)...great review as always :)

    1. Aawwh thank you Pooja :D You are very generous! :)

  4. great review, never tried this kajal <3

    1. Do give a try Rakshanda, its a good one :) Thank you! :)

  5. I recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the content and everything in between! Your blog is simply the epitome of perfection! You are so beautiful, and this kajal looks great! Unfortunately I don't think it's available in England :( I am your newest, most avid follower, I look forward to reading your future posts. I would love it if you could perhaps follow me back too? Have a lovely day!

    Love from, MISSIFFA

    1. How on Earth did I miss this comment! Thank you so much Miss Iffa, you absolutely made my day! :) You did! I doubt it too. Thank you so much, I will visit your blog right now, I am sure its awesome :)

  6. I used it, infact I have a huge collection of Kohls... Viviana Kajal is a fine kohl but very oily textured... It smudges but still it is fine with me... It really gives a soothing effect too... :)

    1. I actually like the texture, it glides easily :)


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