Hey there! :)
I know I know, inspite of being told that I MUST be regular, I haven't posted in a while :| Sorry! :( I have been ranting and breaking my head narrating stories to myself, and yes, that has made me go absent from here :( *Sighs* So, I thought, before you guys forget my existence, let me post something and that something is what makes me happy! Welcome to the second part of the series, you can find the first one here :)
11. Appreciation - doesn't it feel good? :)
I know I know, inspite of being told that I MUST be regular, I haven't posted in a while :| Sorry! :( I have been ranting and breaking my head narrating stories to myself, and yes, that has made me go absent from here :( *Sighs* So, I thought, before you guys forget my existence, let me post something and that something is what makes me happy! Welcome to the second part of the series, you can find the first one here :)
11. Appreciation - doesn't it feel good? :)
12. Ballerinas
13. Cupcakes
14. Ruffles - *drool*
15. Meditation
16. Twilight
17. Pedicure
18. Good hair day - I am experiencing more of it these days :)
19. Babies - Epitome of cuteness!
20. More babies - *Sigh* Aawwww!!
:) What makes you happy? Lemme know! :) I'll be glad to feature your posts as a part of this! Do read part 1 for more details.
For now, I have to attend a wedding. And no, I am not really wanting to go. I am sorta bloated, I have a million things on my head and I haven't smiled in a while sheeeshh!! >.< But its mom's friend's daughter's, and mom lurvess her, so yea, got to go.
I'll get back and click some haul pictures for you guys ;) Stuff that I have bought in the last couple of weeks ;)
Stay tuned curious! ;)
Namita ♥
Cup of hot tea makes me happy:)