Thursday, 14 June 2012

Clean and Clear Skin Balancing Moisturizer Review

Hello there! :)

Before I start away with the product review, let me apologize and also thank you guys. My last post was the true reflection of my mind set. It took me a lot of time to stabilize myself. Even at this moment, I am not completely tension free. But yes, I have decided to let it go until the day comes. And guys, thank you so very much for all the amazing comments, I read and re-read them through my emotional roller coaster!  OK, no more absurdity ;) Lets move on to the review now :P

You all know I am an my skin has oil mines, right? I'll be honest, because of that, I never used moisturizers on my skin. Then, after adopting me very recently *Yes, she did :P*, Rashmi di put me on medication for acne. (Those of you who don't know her, she owns a sexy blog - A doctor that she is, she puts up the most useful posts. Just a few curious questions that I asked her in her comments section led to a full blown love, born through mails :D More on that later ;)) The medication involved side effects like dry skin and peeling . Boy! You dry skinned girls undergo hell know? Skin itches and burns :o And that is when I started moisturizing. *Enough intro? ;)*

Product: Clean and Clear Skin Balancing Moisturizer Oil Free Lotion
Brand: Johnson and Johnson
Cost: Rs.80/-
Quantity: 100 ml
A 50 ml variant is available for Rs.40/-

You like the collage? :D

What does the company claim?
"The 100% oil free formulation balances skin moisture and soothes dry areas. Also helps prevent blemishes. "
To Use: Massage into face and neck.

There is a caution not to get into eyes and wash it off with water if it goes in. *Duh, I wouldn't wash with green tea :|*
The ingredient list is way too long. I'll just mention the key elements: Many alcohols :P, salicylic acid and many none's :P Oh and fragrance ^_^ OK seriously, you want the list? Ask me in comments section, I'll type it all :D

The lotion comes in a white and blue sturdy plastic case upside down, like your conditioner tubes. I have dropped it down a million times, and its still intact, like a boss. Flip open the cap, and you have a tiny hole to dispose the lotion. Zero leakage. 8)

The moisturizer is a nice white and has a slightly thin consistency. It spreads easily and disappears into my skin as I start applying it :) 

Understand my description? ;) Oh smile! =)

It is very light on skin and doesn't sit there and clog my cranky pores. Instead, it vanishes into my skin and moisturises pretty well. Though the peeling and flaking parts need a lil more of the product, regular skin looks healthy :) It contains salicylic acid which is known in treating mild acne and blemishes. Hence, the prevent blemishes claim, I think. I need double the product that is shown above to moisturize my whole face, concentrating on the acne parts.
 It smells amazing. The fragrance puts me at peace :P Its this mild calming smell that makes you feel good :)

Oh and my skin is doing VERY good. I mean it. I am not breaking out any more. OMFG! ya :P I have these old scars and bumps on the cheeks which are slowly going smaller and are peeling of day by day. I can't wait to make the blog post titled "From fucked up skin to flawless skin" :P It might take another week or two to clear up 95%. I am so thankful to Rashmi di :* *Tears rolling down the cheeks ;)*

OK so yeah, this moisturizer has helped me immensely in taking away the dryness and flaky skin. It keep my skin hydrated up until 4 hours after application. My T zone goes a bit oily at the end of 4 hours. 

My only complaint is the packing. Though the plastic case is strong and handsome and hunk and all, after using some 1/4th of the product, the war begins. It becomes a pain to get the product out cuz it refuses to come out. A lot of 'pressing the case hard to make it spill out' can be annoying when your college bus driver is honking your brains off >.< 

Other than that, I am totally loving this product. A perfect lotion for oily skinned lasses. It works, lasts like forever and is economical. It couldn't get cheaper. *Cost wise, that is :P*

Temme what you think, or what you don't. *Lame? No its not :P*



  1. awww . . .super duper awwww .. .. thank you so so much . . .and did you put up this clean and clear review to make me feel better about that vanity box hate-statement very thoughful. . i love you so so much more <3 <3

    1. YAY di :D If this made you smile, well then I have achieved what I wanted to ;) Mmwaah :) I love love LURVE you more :)

  2. hello ms.romantic ;-)
    loved your blog...
    i'm following you too<3
    much love

    1. Hey gurl! :D You 've got such a cute username :)
      Thank you sweetie :)
      Lots love right back ;)

  3. loved ur knw namita...I almost visit u daily :)

    someday visit me also ;)

    1. Thank you Smita :) That made me smile big :D
      Aawh sure, I am really sorry, sort of caught up with things :| Will spam ya asap ;)

  4. can you please forward the treatment for acne ...

    1. Do mail me Cecelia :) Its prescribed by a doctor, it isn't safe to be used without proper advice :)

  5. umm..i just bought it and havnt tried it yet..
    mine's kinda oily skin..hope it works ^_^..and nice review ^^

  6. i just squeezed some into my palm..i like the smell.,i followed u ^_^..

    1. Aawwh! <3 Glad you liked it dear :) thanks for the follow! :)


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