Hello there! :)
I actually feel very hypocritic writing this post about Mother's Day. I am not my mom's favorite kid :P I mean to say, I have two siblings, very much younger to me. *More on my psychotic family later* I have a lot of issues with my mom. From straightening my hair to boyfriend issues, we are not your ideal OMG-I-LOVE-YOU-MOM/Daughter. We don't hug on daily basis, neither is it a fairytale. But yes, somewhere deep down, there is always that part of you that loves your mom, no matter what the differences. You'll start to realize that everything she does, she does because she loves you, she is protective of you, and doesn't want to see you hurt. And not everyone is capable of showing love. *I am one of them, and I got it from my parents. I suck at expressing love. I rock at showing I hate. *sigh* For more information, contact my guy. Lets not change the topic now :P* Is it when you finally grow up? I don't know. Once you understand and accept the part in bold, life gets easier, simpler and live-able. My apologies if I sound very sentimental, but mom issues have always been a huge deal to me.
Lets get to the basic question. Is it important to celebrate Mother's Day? Or any other Day for that matter? Isn't it all a corporate drama? Why should we celebrate love, any kind of love, for that matter? I say why shouldn't we? C'mon! We have all the time in the world for friends and movies and hanging out, street shopping. We are always there for the bestie who just broke up. We are always there with a friend to walk down 10 blocks for a hookah. So what is wrong in spending a day for the people who actually don't expect anything? Mom, Dad, Sis, Brother, Daughter, Son? These are the people who will always be there for you. You can't break up with them, divorce them. You have to live with their best and worst until you move out of the place called Home. So, I don't find anything wrong in celebrating these Days. If it should take the whole world to remind you to show some love, so be it :)
Lets get back to moms. Moms are super natural creatures.
She held you in her womb for 9 months, underwent nauseousness, quit her favorite food cuz it could be toxic to you, piled on pounds losing her figure, quit her job (may be), lost sleep at night, bought you your favorite dress while convincing herself that she hated that saree she looked at, dreamy eyed. When you fell ill and your temperature read 101 F, she kept herself awake all night just to make sure her baby is OK. She made tons of deals with different Almighties when you wrote your boards. She was there for you when dad was annoyed with your fcuked up results. (My story). I can go on writing here, but hope this much is enough for why celebrate Mother's Day. True, you might have celebrated her birthday with all pomp and show, but another day won't hurt too much.
*Phew! Lets get on to gifting now*
Me bought her a new lippy :) Maybelline Tinted Taupe. She never buys good lippies for herself. Christ! How I hate it! She 'doesn't understand the concept of spending for a lippie'. *Bangs head against wall* I wish I could upload pictures, but I already gave it to her last week :P She has an important meeting to attend this week, so I gave it in advance :)
So what to gift The Mother? *One of my seniors has saved her mom's number on her phone as The Mother :P So cute!*
1. Your time
That is the best gift you can ever give. If you are the only daughter, you should gift this more often. Even if it involves a lot of nagging, a lot of I-Don't-Understand-Your-Concept-Of-Hair-Cut, a lot of arguments, you should. Your mom needs some one to talk to and rant to, just like you do. So give her some time without biased mindset, and see how happy she will be :)
2. Take her shopping
Yes. Momsneed want to shop too. Just make sure its YOUR money that you are spending on her clothes. No matter how much she protests, pay from your pocket. If you are not earning yet, save on some pocket money every month :) It can be just a scarf, or a pashmina, or a dress material for a salwar, it will mean a lot to her.
3. Make Up
My mom doesn't use foundation. Tinted moisturizers are one thing I am forcing on her. Get her good quality make up -- lippie, kohl, mascara, basic eye shadow set, a basic pan of blush. Anything. But please make sure you/your sister don't end up using the larger portion :P You have to do this, cuz the first lippie you wore was hers :)
4. Manicure/Pedicure
Moms never understand the need for a mani/pedi. 'Such a sheer waste of money for washing your fingers and applying nail paint' *Sigh* Trust me mumma, there is more to it.
A day at spa. There are a lot of combinations where you can get pampered too :) Try signing in dad in case ;)
6. Jewelry
Which girl doesn't love ornaments? Your mom too. At her heart, there is this girl who loves diamonds, gold, platinum, silver ^_^ If you can afford, get her some classy jewelry :) After all, our first love for jewelry was born staring at her collection :) I plan on getting mumma diamonds ASAP. *Can't wait to graduate and start working*
7. Personalized Gifts
Mugs, pillow covers, pen stands,greeting cards,scrap books. With a cute photo of hers + yours, hers + any other combination, will make a lovely gift :)
These are my ideas of a gift. What have you planned? :)
Mumma, Dad, Me :)
By the way, this song by Taylor Swift is amazing :) Do check it out if you didn't know.
Youtube Lyrics Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6qutPepOdc
Image Sources:-
All images have been Google-d. I don't claim any ownership.
The last picture is mine.
So temme, what do you think? :)
Namita ♥
I actually feel very hypocritic writing this post about Mother's Day. I am not my mom's favorite kid :P I mean to say, I have two siblings, very much younger to me. *More on my psychotic family later* I have a lot of issues with my mom. From straightening my hair to boyfriend issues, we are not your ideal OMG-I-LOVE-YOU-MOM/Daughter. We don't hug on daily basis, neither is it a fairytale. But yes, somewhere deep down, there is always that part of you that loves your mom, no matter what the differences. You'll start to realize that everything she does, she does because she loves you, she is protective of you, and doesn't want to see you hurt. And not everyone is capable of showing love. *I am one of them, and I got it from my parents. I suck at expressing love. I rock at showing I hate. *sigh* For more information, contact my guy. Lets not change the topic now :P* Is it when you finally grow up? I don't know. Once you understand and accept the part in bold, life gets easier, simpler and live-able. My apologies if I sound very sentimental, but mom issues have always been a huge deal to me.
Lets get to the basic question. Is it important to celebrate Mother's Day? Or any other Day for that matter? Isn't it all a corporate drama? Why should we celebrate love, any kind of love, for that matter? I say why shouldn't we? C'mon! We have all the time in the world for friends and movies and hanging out, street shopping. We are always there for the bestie who just broke up. We are always there with a friend to walk down 10 blocks for a hookah. So what is wrong in spending a day for the people who actually don't expect anything? Mom, Dad, Sis, Brother, Daughter, Son? These are the people who will always be there for you. You can't break up with them, divorce them. You have to live with their best and worst until you move out of the place called Home. So, I don't find anything wrong in celebrating these Days. If it should take the whole world to remind you to show some love, so be it :)
Lets get back to moms. Moms are super natural creatures.
She held you in her womb for 9 months, underwent nauseousness, quit her favorite food cuz it could be toxic to you, piled on pounds losing her figure, quit her job (may be), lost sleep at night, bought you your favorite dress while convincing herself that she hated that saree she looked at, dreamy eyed. When you fell ill and your temperature read 101 F, she kept herself awake all night just to make sure her baby is OK. She made tons of deals with different Almighties when you wrote your boards. She was there for you when dad was annoyed with your fcuked up results. (My story). I can go on writing here, but hope this much is enough for why celebrate Mother's Day. True, you might have celebrated her birthday with all pomp and show, but another day won't hurt too much.
*Phew! Lets get on to gifting now*
Me bought her a new lippy :) Maybelline Tinted Taupe. She never buys good lippies for herself. Christ! How I hate it! She 'doesn't understand the concept of spending for a lippie'. *Bangs head against wall* I wish I could upload pictures, but I already gave it to her last week :P She has an important meeting to attend this week, so I gave it in advance :)
So what to gift The Mother? *One of my seniors has saved her mom's number on her phone as The Mother :P So cute!*
1. Your time
That is the best gift you can ever give. If you are the only daughter, you should gift this more often. Even if it involves a lot of nagging, a lot of I-Don't-Understand-Your-Concept-Of-Hair-Cut, a lot of arguments, you should. Your mom needs some one to talk to and rant to, just like you do. So give her some time without biased mindset, and see how happy she will be :)
2. Take her shopping
Yes. Moms
3. Make Up
My mom doesn't use foundation. Tinted moisturizers are one thing I am forcing on her. Get her good quality make up -- lippie, kohl, mascara, basic eye shadow set, a basic pan of blush. Anything. But please make sure you/your sister don't end up using the larger portion :P You have to do this, cuz the first lippie you wore was hers :)
4. Manicure/Pedicure
Moms never understand the need for a mani/pedi. 'Such a sheer waste of money for washing your fingers and applying nail paint' *Sigh* Trust me mumma, there is more to it.
A day at spa. There are a lot of combinations where you can get pampered too :) Try signing in dad in case ;)
6. Jewelry
Which girl doesn't love ornaments? Your mom too. At her heart, there is this girl who loves diamonds, gold, platinum, silver ^_^ If you can afford, get her some classy jewelry :) After all, our first love for jewelry was born staring at her collection :) I plan on getting mumma diamonds ASAP. *Can't wait to graduate and start working*
7. Personalized Gifts
Mugs, pillow covers, pen stands,greeting cards,scrap books. With a cute photo of hers + yours, hers + any other combination, will make a lovely gift :)
These are my ideas of a gift. What have you planned? :)
Mumma, Dad, Me :)
By the way, this song by Taylor Swift is amazing :) Do check it out if you didn't know.
Youtube Lyrics Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6qutPepOdc
Image Sources:-
All images have been Google-d. I don't claim any ownership.
The last picture is mine.
So temme, what do you think? :)
Namita ♥
Oh my Namitha this is such a beautiful post :) almost made me cry you know... you have the warmest heart ever! thank u for this post and now I know I should both my moms flowers this Sunday.. Yes i have two... Dont get me wrong.. i mean my mom and my mom-in-law :P
ReplyDeleteloved the post.. make your mum read it, she will be crying tears of happiness heheh :) very very sweet. and good ideas for mom's day gifts.
ReplyDeletehave a good sunday
ok, disregarding my opinions on mother's day or any days for that matter, I agree with Sam that the post really brought tears in my eyes :) ohhhhh...I was so like you...I never gelled well with mom when I was growing up...ok, many hard sentiments at that time...but, then, I grew and since I actually started having my periods and then my 10th and then +2 and then engg, I can finally say my relationship with her improved!!! may be its just that *she wants to rule the roost and she can't when she is not given importance* thing!!! it happens na that two women can't live in a house peacefully :D but, now, we are very peaceful and have fun and she shares so many things of her life and frankly, now I have come to realise her weaknesses and wants and dreams and so many aspects which were not known to me earlier....so much for being perceptive!!! moms are moms and you don't treat them as regular people and that's where we all go wrong probably. it was a good post :) are you seriously 18??????? oh btw, your mom knows about your bf???? wow...so cool!!!
ReplyDeleteThis was so touchy... my mom and me share a picture perfect relationship... we hug,cuddle, share secrets, have hours long conversations, she knows almost everything about me. . . I cant think of what i can give her on mother's day... for me everyday with her is so special, so awesome <3 ... nothing i can give her could be a symbol of how much love i have for her :)
great post...
On a different note.... i have tagged you here
Well i wana gift my mom an amazing Daughter-in-law, let me know when i can gift wrap you :* :* <3 <3
Nice ideas :) And so true
ReplyDeletenamitha, beautifully and written w/ wit.. love this post. :) heartwarming at the same time.
ReplyDeletehope you have fab wknd!!
Hi Namitha,
ReplyDeleteyou have nice blog...i am following u now...hope you will follow me...take care..
don't tell me u received ur marriage proposal in a post comment??????? he is sooooooooooo cute :) ur damn lucky, yaar :)
ReplyDeleteI didnt have an ideal relationship with my mum either! I always loved her but our fights were insane. Now that I'm married, I miss her the most!! Moms do everything for us! Took me a while to realise that!
ReplyDelete@Samyukta: Eee di :) My pleasure..So glad I could be of help :) Aww so sweet :D Two moms is awesome <3
ReplyDelete@Dip: Thank you hon :) Oh I wish I could :P
@Swati: And I thought I was the only one. So true, the one house two women quote :P Its hard juggling mommy harmones :o Christ! I always thought teenage was tougher :P You have an answer in your question. My mom knows about him and its not cool. That is how I am too mature for my age. You see, when life gets tougher, you quit being a kid *Sigh*
@Dr_Rashmi: That is so so beautiful ^_^ Nazar na lage :) God bless :) I wish I had that with my mom :P Not that I don't love our present relationship :P Sure love I'll check the tag :)
@Jayanth: Aawwww :D *blushes* Gift wrap me after few more years may be? :P Oh how I wish she would be ;) Thank you moron :*
@Miamicami: Thank you :)
@Jasmine: Thanks a lot :) Hope you had a lovely weekend :)
@NotJustMake-up: Thank you :) Sure, I'll be there :)
@Swati: Hehehe ya :D He is, very shmery cute :D Love him to bits :P yes yes I am :D Now THANK YOU for that super sweet comment :*
@Ash: *phew* Handling fights with mom ain't easy >.< Emotional drain and strain :| Aaww :* All is well that ends well :) Wishing you a lovely relationship from now on :)
Namita <3