Thursday, 19 April 2012

What do I title this?

Hello there :D

This is going to be a very tiny post :| Yes yes, I have been MIA from awfully long, and you must have already guessed by now. Yes.Absolutely right. My internet connection has gone for a toss. Big one at that :x I have NO idea when I am gonna get it back. Right now I am sitting in one stinky internet lab in my college that allows just 30 minutes of internet usage for educational purposes :P *rolls eyes* :(

Just read all the wonderful comments on the previous post, but I so can't reply to any :( Thank you all so much for the wonderful response :D I am gonna be writing more of such posts.

Well end of post. Miss me till I come back. Keep commenting and re-commenting. *bangs head against wall* And you know what? I haven't logged onto FB too :o *sob* *sniff*

Take care you guys! :)

Close your eyes and miss me ;)

Namita <3


  1. will be praying to the net gods that you get your connection up fast so, that we can read whole lot of wonderful posts...

  2. I misssss you gal! Faster come back to the blogger world :)

  3. Oh honey hope you can get your internet fixed soon.!!

    PS. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and of course I'm following you back too. Also liked your Facebook page and hope you can do the same with mine so we can keep in touch. Here's my FB fan page link.

    <3 Marina

  4. Looking forward to you coming back soon. I know you're gonna get back with a bang ;)

  5. @Opal: Awww :D Thank you so much love, you made my day! :)

    @Fida: Eeeee back :D I missed you too babe :)

    @Fashion.MakeUp.LifeStyle: YAY its fixed :D
    Aww anytime :) Thank you so much :) Sure, I am connecting there too right now :)

    @Ms Nyx: Did you like read my mind?! I just posted and its titled Back with a RANT! :D Omg I love you :D

    Namita <3


Leave comments, let me know you were here :)
PS: Please refrain from leaving links behind, I shall click on your user name when I want to visit your site :)