Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Story of Nail Shoes

Hello my Candies! :*

I had a pathetic dream last night. I dreamt of my college. Dreamt of pending assignments. Dreamt of what might happen if I don't score a good score. *Bangs head against wall* I can't believe I dreamt THIS! THIS! THESE!! >.< I have gone so obsessed with assignments, even my subconscious has gotten this boring :o So not Namita! :o Sheessh! So I decided to chill out, and consciously remind myself not to freak out and trust myself and my abilities :) And thus, I will be having fun and taking care of myself (read self mani/pedi, apply some face pack, wash my college ID Card Tag..Lord! Not college again..!!) and watch Gossip Girl all afternoon :D And do all the pending homeworks in two hours and have fun again :o *Mentally kicks herself*

Abruptly changing the topic, how many of you have crushes on your shoes? *rises hand* I freakin' love my shoes (but never took care of them until now :(* A pair of blue shoes is my favorite! :* *Yes, I just kissed my shoes :D* 
Cute know? :D ^_^

SO the awesome me decided to show them some love on my nails, and here is the result :)

Apply base colors to the nails. You can use single color of different ones :) Also, applying different colors is so spring, so summery! ^_^ You might want to stop here :D *I am a bad bad teacher 8)*

After the base color dries, apply white in the 1/3rd portion at the top. A larger french manicure. The cleaner, the better :) You might want to apply double coats depending on how thick the first coat was. Let it dry thoroughly.

Mean while, use silver color to keep 6 dots, 3 on either side. If you have longer nails, keep more 8) I cut mine recently, and even 6 dots was a BIG thing :D
And finally join the dots in X fashion, and put a black outline along the nail tips :)Looks much better and cuter if you shape your nails :) Easy right? :)
My crew 8) *OKAY, sounds cheesy :P*
Nail pots from VOV,LOV and Big Bazaar :) Feel free to use the colors of your choice :)

SO girls, how did you like it? :)

Lemme know :)



  1. cute one :) n don wrry gal..smtimes I get that kinda dreams too..more so they go like I have an history/literature assignment and have not done it n consequences..blah, wt* I am done with grads n still getting nightmares from school :/

  2. awwwwiiieeeee loved the nails Namita.. so so so cute.... :)

  3. Cute! I love nails art and you've done it well!

  4. I love that nail-art!! <3<3 :)) You rock girl!!


  5. vry easy n quick tut gurl!

  6. Awwww love your nail art...even I have nightmares, nighmares related to deadlines and appraisals...

  7. Lovely post dear! Check my blog and follow me if you ! Kisses

  8. Such a great post, I really like it, the nails style is so nice!
    Take a look and if you want we can follow each others: Cosa mi metto???
    Three lucky person will win a pair of sunnies of therir choise, enter the contest!!!

  9. Cute nails! I'm gonna have to try that! And I'm also in love with my shoes lol! Some I love so much I'm afraid to wear them because I dont wanna get them dirty! haha, I'm weird, I know!


  10. Cute nail art just like you! ;)

  11. @few unnecessary stuff: Thank you! :D LOL! Really? :P I feel so much better now ;)

    @Pooja_G: Eee thank you! :*

    @Samyukta: Thanks di! :) :)

    @Ms Nyx: YAY! Thank you love :)

    @Butterfly: Haha thanks sweetheart :)

    @Vanu: Sure it is, do give a try :)

    @Ines: Thank you sweetie :)

    @Opal: Haha thank you! :* LOL! I thought I was the only weird one :P

    @Loana: Thank you :) Sure I'll :)

    @Fabriza: Thank you! :) Sure, I would love to :)

    @Rachel: Aaaww thanks a lot :) OMG! Really? That is cute actually :) You take care of them ;)

    @Fida: Eeeeeeeee *blushes* thank you honey! :*

    Namita <3

  12. Wow I love your nail art!!!...
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  13. @Indy: Thank you sweetie :)
    @Marcela: Thanks love :)

    Namita <3

  14. this is beautiful......following u...if u like it follow me

  15. Thank you :) Sure, I'll :)
    Namita <3

  16. I used to be a freak in school.. I always wanted to score well! Don't worry, u are not the only one. I love the nails in the first pic. So cute! and I kiss my black boots too every time I take them out to polish :-D

    1. Lol :P That made me feel so much better ;) Thank you Shruti :)


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