Sunday, 11 March 2012

The Mighty Haul! :D

Hello my Cheesecakes! :*
How is your weekend happening? It is 'Happening' or are you in front of the computer, lazily sipping on to some chilled juice, like me? :P 

So here is my Haul Post! :D A very teeny budget buy 8)

Remember I met my sweetheart on our 2nd Aniv and he took me shopping? :) Well, I bought some bare necessities there :) Trust me, nothing major :) 

The Complete Picture :D

The LOV nail paints :P Aren't the pots so adorable? ^_^ Read my review on the pink paint here :). I am yet to use the transparent one 8) BTW, LOV is the fake VOV brand >.<  
Cost: Rs.20/- each pot :D 
Beeping economical 8)

All flat bead long chain :) I have always wanted this beauty, but had never found the perfect bead size. Too fat, too big, too small, uni color, too *insert-complaint-here* :D Finally, I found this sexy thing for Rs.65/- The store guy said Rs.75/- but parted with it for Rs.65/- 
Its an amazing multicolored chain. Can be worn as a single loop or a double or triple one. Too many loops and you have a new bracelet 8) Further too many loops, cut the thread and use the beads to decorate your flower vase :P I am not responsible for tangles baby :P
Forgot to include these cutesies in the complete picture :D Such Ahh-doh-rah-ble earrings :) ^_^ Sorry about the blurry picture though :P They are uber cute teeshirts :D 
Rs.10/- 8) 
My new belt 8) I'll be honest, all these days, I have never worn belts for the sake of fashion :P I have always worn them to hold the loose pants in place :D *That is their primary function know? :o* Now that I am evolving, *Yes yes, I am already a homo sapien, I mean I am evolving fashion wise 8)* I bought this beauty 8) So love the color and the way the cloth has been woven ^_^ There was a multitude of colors, I have started with blue :D Will be getting other available colors asap 8) 
Cost: Rs.50/-

That is for my mini haul. The cost came up to Rs.145/- and my guy paid it :) :D

On other hand, I just started watching Gossip Girl. Yes. Now. *Hangs head down in shame* And I am so freakin' addicted already OMG! I have been going, "XOXO, Gossip Girl" in that seductive but horribly annoying voice :D I mean I make it annoying :D Hehe :D 

What do you guys think? Let me know :D 



  1. Hey dats a cute small haul bt it cant b prettier dan dis!!

  2. The earring is suppa your haul....

  3. Nice MIGHTY haul!! :) A MIGHTY FEASIBLE haul! ;) Loving it. Love the blue belt and the bead necklace!! <3<3
    And don't tell me you just started seeing Gossip Girl?? *OMG* It's like one of the best tv soap ever!! :) But i am glad! At least now you started seeing GG! :) Welcome to the Gossip Girl lovers group! :P
    I would have loved those OOTD posts but chalta hai! ;)


  4. Females love shopping, don't they?

  5. Awwwww sweet <3

  6. you will not believe I have a similar neck piece and yeah its in yellow and green .. I have a similar belt which is in silver color. :D

  7. Hehe awesome! :D YAY for us ;)
    Namita <3

  8. luv the neck piece....:)

  9. gal u r so sosososoososososo romantic....lovely haul...BTW i am also aquarian ;)


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