Monday, 11 August 2014

My Life (on Instagram) - Mangalore Edition

Hello, you guys. 

Yea, I am still alive, I reached Bangalore this morning. My internship is officially over, now is the phase of report making and binding and the jazz, ya know. Guess what? I missed my city :( As much as I hate the pollution and the damned traffic and the stress, I missed Bangalore.  I missed the coffee I MAKE so well. I missed not having to know that there is a power cut. I missed the way I can ride my vehicle at 10 PM and nobody gives a rat's ass. I missed my regular eye brow lady. Oh well. Touchy topic. *Say hello to my evil twin with evilistically thin eye brows -_- *

But then, I am gonna miss Mangalore too. The rains, the no-traffic, the supremely fantastic frequency of buses making transport a dream, the Express buses, the crazy road rash of Express buses, the crazy road rash Express buses' honking that managed to blow away my brain pretty much all the time, the rickshaw-waalaas that came ANYWHERE. Yea, you read that right, they are the 'Never say never' types.  *A moment of silence for the part of my brain that came up with the creation of Bieber*.Except for one driver who asked for an 'extra-five-buck' in the sweetest possible way, I didn't come across bully auto drivers. The people in Mangalore are so nice :O Trust me, the nicety of people has sort of rubbed off me. I swear lesser and am more patient :O Oh I am gonna miss the cleanliness of Mangalore. Though it rains every effin' hour, the management of it all is fantastic. No traffic jams though roads have pot holes -  they don't clog the movement of living beings.    

I am gonna miss the late night slogging. The blaring of classics, the *ahem* philosophical *ahem* talks with bestie at 2 AM. The sitting by the window sill and staring into A.J.Hospital's lights, thinking about how life changed in an year, dreaming about where it will take us the next :) The late night Kellogg's eating, the chips munching, the *cough* guilt ridden *cough* Zumba sessions later. Oh, I am gonna miss the Zumba with the bestie. 

Somehow, Mangalore has succeeded in making me a better person - more maturity while still having more fun.  I have learnt to let go, I have learnt to dream better. More than anything, I have learnt self reliance. I now know that I can pretty much handle anything life throws in my way. Professionally and personally, I am a much better, stronger person. NITK has thought me the way to success is determination, ya know. If you sit in front of your laptop while you tell yourself - "Unless you want to go back to Bangalore tomorrow without your internship certificate, you are cracking this today", you will crack that shizz.  NITK has thought me that with right efforts and a little smartness, Internet will teach you many things. I never knew Internet could be used for educational purposes too :'D C'mon, we all know what we use it for. *No, no that. Perv -_- *

Between doing my own laundry and not fussing about food, I am gonna miss Mangalore.

Mangalore, I love you, really. 

You noticed how (on Instagram) is in brackets, because it was meant to be. *Duh!* Here are my favorites of Mangalore, because when I look back at this post years from now, I want the flavor of Mangalore engulfing the room I'll read this in. *Except for the coconut oil in everything, OMFG I HATE COCONUT OIL IN EVERYTHING*

(Oh and some photos didn't make to Instagram, though they are my favorites. I didn't want to #SpamInsta)

 Ice cream kinda days at Pabbas.

Its just a road kinda days. 

Chocolate tart kinda days. 

Selfie with bestie kinda days. 

Sit by the window, listen to the sound of rain and read your book kinda days. 

Panambur beach soul searching kinda days. 

Stray pup that I am missing so much my heart will burst any moment now kinda days. 

Mirror selfie kinda days. 

Chosen family kinda days. 

 Coastal Guard and industrial awesomeness kinda days.
Work baby work kinda days.

So yea, that's about it. This Wednesday I am starting final year *cough* :'D I mean, oh well. Touchy topic. Growing up sucks.

No lecture posts on that topic now. I'll just hope that this year will be nice to me, like 3rd year was :)

This is the point where you'll understand that I will resume regular blogging, and well. You just stop missing me now okay?! 

Also, not to forget, Mangalorean guys are extremely yummy or what? Coastal handsomeness be damned! ;) 
Ofcourse I miss all the gorgeousness around, you don't have to even ask :P 

Go follow me now, here (insert down arrow mark here)

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PS: Hi :) 


  1. Hey Nam!
    Welcome back gal..
    All the best for final year..
    Btw, I am nit receiving mails for the post updates... only when I visit ur blog I get to know thats all.. do check whats d problem with that..


    1. Hey Rajani! Thanks so much :)

      And yes, I am checking what's the issue, thanks a ton again :)

      Lots of love :)

  2. Aww seems like you had a great time while interning :)
    Welcome to the blogging world! Hope to see many more posts in the days to come. Following you on instagram right away!

    Ohh and good luck for your final year. You might just need it if it's anything like how mine was last year (hint: massive roller coaster ride ahead) :P

    1. Haha thanks Sakshi! :D I hope so too *fingers crossed* :D


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