Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Once Upon A Time,

There was a girl who really, really loved her hair. Like really. I mean it was high maintenance alright, but still. It fell across her shoulders and framed her face, well behaved on most days but extremely stubborn and nasty on days where she needed to look polished. But still, she loved it all the same. It was thick enough to shield her from sun and the rain and on windy days, it just drove her mad, flying in the cardinal directions. Nothing could tame her locks, not the flat iron nor the DIY curls. Other than the stylist's hair dryer that cost a kidney, nothing could set her hair in place. 

Since she was this close to becoming a gym rat from the past few weeks, excessive washing of hair had taken a toll on her hair. Plus, Bangalore heat being a total beeatcchh didn't help either. There was a rebellion. Split ends and dry hair, everywhere. It reached a point where all she could do to put her hair in place was to twist it tight and fix the messy twist to her skull with a jaw clip. The kind that regular girls do before going to bed. 

She had to give up.

And so, she chose to go to this place that promised her solace.

Lets call the place Jean Cluade Biguine.

These photos were clicked before she started away the consultation.

Lets face it, it hurts to snip away at all the length. Hence, the sad photos. Or, sad poses. Or, poses. 

But then what happened was, she came back. Happily. 

Because the end results were 




*Its fun making ya all wait, haha 3:)*

PS: The girl is still there. She typed all of this, duh
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