Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Oriflame Optimals Seeing Is Believing Multi Benefits Eye Cream Review

I was watching Friends last night. I am in the last season with two more episodes to end the season :( :( And I am prolonging the end by re-watching other seasons. I mean, it kills me. To finally accept the painful truth :(
While I watch Friends each night, soaking in the joy of the last days of my vacations *sob sob*, it definitely takes a toll on my eyes -_- I am always on the look out for a good under eye product.  *Jeez, I sounds like a commercial :o* In my quest, I finally found my HG Under Eye Gel. And in the process, I have come across some total duds.

Presenting to you, one of the worst products I have used -_- Oriflame Optimals Seeing Is Believing Multi Benefits Eye Cream.

I honestly don't want to go around and describe this pot to you, its not worth it :\ Well, the eye cream is pale blue in color and comes in a glass pot. So, its unhygienic. It smells funny. Like medicine. Not a fan -_- It is pretty greasy when applied and though it gets absorbed, it still feels oily and weird under the eye. I no likes.

Does it reduce dark circles?

No. It increased mine! *shock.gasp.horror* My eyes are deep set, so dark circles a part of my face -_- *My bestie calls it manufacturing defect* So, I can understand when the cream doesn't fill my under eye pit. But boy, why would it want to fill in fifty shades of grey there? :\ I thought it might take some time to work but nope. I used it for over three weeks just to see it doing worse. All it did was give a sullen, deep look to me. Like the sky broke over my head and all the trouble in the world is owned by me. I mean c'mon! I am this happy-gone-lucky girl :\ Why would anybody make me look like that? :(

So yea, just stay away from this loser product. I will use it on my feet and empty it -_-

If anybody wants ingredient list, please ask. I have thrown the outer carton away, I'll fish for a new one in mommy's Oriflame collection and get it for you. It's cost varies from catalogue to catalogue.

One word - Don't buy. Coming from somebody with major dark circles, you should know that she knows the pain of dark circles.

I will give it a -1/5 :\ Damned thing!


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  1. this is one of your cutest post with fun writing - Y U NO WORK? I can totally see the meme here... :D

    1. Haha Shayoni :D Aren't you so sweet? thank you! Yea, I am a meme addict! *Insert F Yea meme here* :D

  2. Thank you :) i love super honest reviews :)

  3. oh lord! i am staying far away from this thing.


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