Tuesday, 9 July 2013

My experience with Dualshine.com

There are days when you have hours together in your hand, and there are days when you are sure of missing your college bus in nanoseconds. And because I am not a very morning person, I mostly have the days of the kind mentioned latter ;) But well, who wants to look bland with just a jean and tee? That is when, accessories come into picture. And that is why, I love accessories. Love is an understatement. I LUUURRRVVVEEE them ^_^

So when I found dualshine.com, I knew I had hit jackpot. Dualshine.com is an online store that sells earrings, necklaces, rings, brooches and more :) They have a fabulous range of hair and body accessories too. I am still swooning over the anklets and the sets of jewelry.

Dualshine.com kindly sent across some accessories to me, and I am totally loving each one of them!

Here, have a look :)

Double Ring

How cool is this one? I wore it here and got a lot of compliments too ;) It goes well with your casual looks and can also be worn to reduce the too-girly aspects that come with certain dresses. Total love!

Camera Pendant Chain

I am yet to get over the cuteness of this little thing! The red pendant stole my heart away. I usually throw it over basic tees and tops to give them a cute yet classy edge :)

Pink Necklace 

This baby has golden tones with it and intricate print for alternate leaves. It goes perfectly well with contrast colored clothing too :)

The site has a vast collection of all kind of jewelry at reasonable prices. If bought in bulk, they get much cheaper. They offer free shipping for orders over $18. 

Personally, I'll definitely shop from them again :) 

Also, look forward for a fabulous giveaway sponsored by Dualshine.com in a couple of days ;) 

Like them on Facebook here and connect on Twitter here :) 

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1 comment:

  1. Hey I liked your blog; quick question - How do you order on dualshine? I mean do they deliver at your doorstep in India? No customs?


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