Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Wish List: April Blooms

Hello there! :) *waves*

How many of you are crazy addicted to this crazy song? I can't seem to get over it :D Its on re-play mode from a couple of days ^_^ It just gives me so much happiness being so stupid - fake Brit accent and all. Ha!

Thank you everybody that wrote in mails concerned about the last lines of the last post of mine. I have replied to all of you, and I am doing great :) Happiness is a choice :) And boy, life is beautiful :)

Okay, I honestly don't like being all sappy and preachy, lets get back to my awesome self now shall we? ;) I am gonna be blogging, you guys will never get rid of me ^_^

So lets start off with my April wish list. Though its almost the fortnight, better late than never, right?

1. Samsung Galaxy Tab

Okay, even though people don't understand my obsession with big, wide things, I just can't get myself to get over this ^_^ Tab, you are mine ^_^

2. Ring

From past three and half years, I haven't worn a ring. This ring just caught my fancy. I don't know why :) Its just so beautiful, and just so full of life and love. Its stuck in my mind -_-  :)  Pretty, 'innit? :)

3. Nerd glasses

I want to put my hair up in a bun, wear a classy pair nerd glasses, and settle down with a lovely novel in my room, all by myself ^_^ *Now, is it okay to build a day around a pair of nerd glasses? Me says yea!* Oooo, with a heart on the frame, of course 8)

4. Peace of mind

I used to be scared of being alone, I always wanted thoughts in my head. A few days ago I was talking to my mom and she suggested meditation. I'll tell ya, nothing is more serene than a calm mind. Absolute no thoughts, just you by yourself :) It won't be easy in the beginning, just don't fight the thoughts. They'll slowly go away :) When you are perfectly okay with being your best friend, everything falls in place :)

5. Posters for my room
This one is pretty random. I have already made some, but I am gonna be DIM-ing soon. *DIM = Do It Myself* Wordsmith me ;)

Do some for yourself and remove of the old ones to feel a new you :)

Here are some I liked :)

And this quote below, always gives me peace :)

So that is my wish list for April :) Now I shall go offline and slog for the internals tomorrow, for Lord won't sit there in my OOP lab and code for me :P and boy, my HOD for sure doesn't give me another chance believing in the quote above ;)

Image sources: All are from various boards on Pinterest. I claim no ownership.

So guys, how have you been? *blows kiss*
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  1. the thing about the nerd glasses? I end up doing that most of the time. I loved the 2ns poster.


    1. I am gonna do soon :) Aww thanks Shayoni! :) You've a pretty name :)

  2. cute post
    super cute glasses :)


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