Tuesday, 29 January 2013

DIY Inspiration

Don't you guys love my Pinterest boards? :D If you do, then you will surely know about my DIY board. If not, then you know now ;) So I was sort of out of inspiration and its been a long time I did a DIY inspiration, so here is one :) Easy, peasy and so lovely! *Okay well, lame attempt at creating a rhythm! * Never mind though 'cuz,

So here are my favorite five!

I am so doing this! After salvaging my hair recently, I am able to leave it free under a hair band and that called for a lot of hair accessories basket and jam packed hair accessories  *yes, I totally own one. No, its not fancy enough to be put up here :P* This is my weekend project now, I think.

Easy peasy DIY! Who else is in? ;)

Isn't this pure genius? :D Did you realize what they are? Washers! Dear Friendly Garage Uncle, here I come 8) 

So adorable, right? Yes, agree with me. 

Absolutely love this! I am always ready for glitter in my life ^_^ 

PS: All the images are from Pinterest. I don't claim any ownership.

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  1. I always love you Fashion Police post :P
    total fun intended... it's a kind of stress buster to read your writings....
    btw thers is a award waiting for you at my blog...

  2. shittt sorrryyy.... i don knw how this comment came here in this post :/

  3. I love DIY's!!! so creative :)

  4. I am all about DIYs!!

    following you !

    would love it if you do the same!



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