Sunday 16 December 2012

Inspired Me

Don't we all love inspirations? I love! :)

Its a bright Sunday and I woke up to no alarm, and no bundle of worries today. You know those days? When you over think and create a problem you never had in first place?

That, my friend, was me!


Anyho, I am doing fine. Okay. Life teaches you everyday, know?

I went to my trusted Pinterest for some inspiration. Quotes, I tell you, save my life!

I also watched some wonderful movies, The Bucket List and Pursuit of Happyness.

And I am glad :)

Thought you might want to seek some inspiration too :)

So that is for today! :) Its my parents' anniversary today, and a dinner is on the cards! Oh and I have an exam tomorrow. And the week after. And I might not have the camera with me for a week may be. 

Umm so yea, that's it! 

How you been, guys? 

Image sources:
All images are taken from Pinterest. I don't claim any ownership.

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  1. i like the quotes. Simple but really worth reading.

  2. simple yet wort reading quotes... :)
    Wish happy Anniversary to ur mom and dad on my behalf :)

    1. Thank you dahlyn, I wished :) they said thanks to you! <3

  3. Hi Dear

    This is my first time at your blog and would like to be your blog friend.

    Interesting quotes :)


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