Monday, 19 November 2012

Pink heart, pinkness

*lalalalalalalalaaaa* Hi there! :D I honestly have no interesting thing to be shared today. Really. A regular day in a regular college. *Sigh* But oh, I dealt am dealing with an issue that is scary as well as funny simultaneously ;) BTW, isn't 'We are never ever getting back together' by Taylor so awesome? Like Aweesommeeee? 8)

Yesterday, me watched Heroine. And did a pretty nail art. And it turned out super cute. So me clicked a picture tutorial for ya guys :)

PS: When I use tape and tooth pick, stuff just got serious 8) 

Here, mere mortals, I shall bestow my knowledge, learn 8)

Clean your nails off all old polish. Cut cello tape and stick in diagonally, long enough to be easy to pull it off after its done. 

Paint the upper part with a baby pink nail color

Using a tooth pick and a darker pink, draw vertical lines starting from the base of the painted diagonal and the nail tip.

Use white paint to pull horizontal lines over these vertical ones. Pull the cello tape away :) and use silver nail paint to draw the border.

I have made the hearts' outlines using a silver colored glitter pen, and filled in the pink nail paint. Seal in with transparent coat.

Finally, it looks this pretty ^_^

Easy, know? 

Sometimes all that a girl needs is some pretty lil pink, some pretty lil hearts! ♥

You can use any color family to create this ^_^ Its simple, easy yet ultra cute! ^_^

Let me know what you think :D



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