Friday, 5 October 2012

My Fat To Fit Journey

Life has this funny way of teaching you things. We always realize our maximum potential while going through the toughest moments. Like, yours truly was used to writing one internal per day, then, they decided to make it two per day! Obviously, it was slogging power two, and I am so relieved they are finally over :\

And you what is funnier? The way my mind works under extreme stress. Like there is this core subject called Data Structures. And it has this unit called Pointers. Till date, I have only understood, by keen observation and observation that is, *ahem*, pointers complicate things :\ I don't get it! Like, okay, assuming that you might not really be interested in pointers now, le me will start with today's topic.

When I sat under the lappy today, *What? Lappy on me is logically equivalent to me under lappy know? That is Discreet Math doing the talking tonight ;)* I had a million things running in my head to blog about. And the fitness freak in me wanted to blog about this.

Lets start with how and why I got fat. Yes, fat. Not curvy or full. Plain fat.

From my childhood, I have never been much active in sports. I was always plump, you know, the plump kid that everybody wants to pull cheeks of. My mom says, I used to be so fat (chubby in her words), she couldn't carry me around for more than 30 minutes :P

Guess my age here :P

Then school happened. I continued being Ms.Plump until my 6th grade. And then miracles took place, and I lost weight like crazy. *Health factors, excessive blood loss due to gynac problems :(*
I was administered blood at one point :\

From my 7th grade, I put on the perfect weight (53 kg) for my height (5 feet 2 inches) and maintained it constantly. The only physical activity I had was school P.E periods. My favourite sport was indoor, table tennis :P You can see, I never was too keen in any other sport.

Then when I joined 11th std, the drastic change in food and sleep pattern wrecked havoc with my weight. I was constantly eating out and sleeping less, thanks to academic pressure - college, tuitions, assignments, aargh! :@
There was zero, like absolutely zero physical activity!
12th standard worsened the scenario, what with the board exam and 'turning point of life' happening. By then, I had started piling on weight, crazily! On my 17th birthday, I weighed 65 kg. *gulp*

How I hate this phase of my weight.

I did some weak attempts to lose weight in the vacations that followed the 12th boards. But I never gave my 100% and lost like 2 kg over 4 months.

My weight bothered me constantly and I nagged myself day in and day out. I punished myself for eating junk. I also went on a fad diet just before a family event. *I ain't gonna tell you what I did* * hides face*
And obviously, it was fad.
My family has this weird theory of genes. And you know how moms are. Atleast, majority of moms are. You are never FAT for them. never. All they care about is 'health'.

Not until recently, did I feel the real pinch of it. I hated that I had to shop from L sizes, and my jean size had gone upto 36. My arms were jiggly. And oh, thunder thighs! Also, the double chin. Just three years ago, I had the best body of the class, and now, there was no waist. All I could see was a pillar. Of fat. I had stopped wearing sleeveless dresses and skirts. I hid in over sized tops and pants and had convinced myself that I would lose weight someday. I had to come out of it.

I hated the person that looked back at me in the mirror. What had I done to my body? I was constantly ill, suffered from awful back aches and my gynac problems re-appeared.

I had to take action. I wanted change. I wanted my toned body back, and this time, I was ready to work for it. I didn't just want it, I needed it.

My official fitness journey, which brought about a difference, started in July 2012. By then, I weighed 60 kg.

I started maintaining a strict diet. I cut out junk, fat and anything unhealthy. I cut back on rice too. I started my day with a tall cup of green tea. A banana right before my workout and one after my workout. My lunch and dinner consisted of veggies and rotis cooked with minimum oil. Every time hunger pangs struck me, I would opt for a bowl of fruits and water. Drinking water became way of my life!

My fitness regime consisted nothing fancy. I opted for the Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. It takes less than 30 minutes a day. The main reason I opted for this was I wanted the inches to be gone.
I occasionally played badminton to keep the boredom off.

All it took was a month, to get rid of 6 kg :)

My latest photo :) taken on Sept 29 :)

I haven't worked out from a month *hangs head in shame* and I am restarting it this Sunday. I am going back to Jillian cuz I want to lose few more inches and feel toned.
I am still not 100% happy with my body, there is still a bit of jiggle in my arms, and some fat around my tummy area (which infact, is proving to be a pain to get rid of) and lil thigh fat.

I have lost enough weight that people recognize :)

And I have realized, I can have the body I want to have. All it requires is some dedication and passion. If you want to lose weight, you will. Sitting on your ass all day and cribbing about how over weight you are won't help you lose weight, period. Go, slog for it.

Don't give up, yet :)

Need inspiration? Go here :)


  1. hehehe u look lovely !! perfect n fit !!!

  2. proud of you girl :)
    and start working out again #iamnotjillianbutstill :p

    lemme get to my goal one day and i will let you know the details :D :P :D lol

    and that yellow top looks so lovely..
    looks like all Namita's used to wear bindis in their childhood,,i was one who always made sure i get my mom's on mine :p but mine was always red :D

    you know what ? I got reminded of you while i was driving my car back from market today :p I saw a girl learning driving from an instructor and it reminded me of your post and you :D hhehehheheee

    bless you sweetheart :)

    1. That comment made me smile, so big, so big SO BIG! :D Aren't you the sweetest? :* You sure will put up a similar post ;)
      LOL! Me actually was obsessed with lipstick bindis :P Scribbling on my face with lipstick :D

      Aawww really? :D I am so glad to have been there :D Now, my rants sure are impressive ;)

      LOVE U NAMITA! <3

  3. i also don't like data structures :|
    And i really need to lose weight :-( and im really inspired by ur post but my schedule dsnt let me do much ... Ill strt by making small changes in my lifestyle !!

    1. Data structures EEWW! >.< Aaww hon all it takes is a wee bit of determination :) You go girl! <3

  4. even though i am an electronics engineer, i loved studying data structures and i loved pointers!
    the yellow top pic is amazing! your legs look so toned...

    1. Really? You've got to be a genius! I hate my core subject :D
      thank you doll :)

  5. Have been slogging for the past 2months...this post of urs came well in time..
    GAL..I need all the motivation and information for my weight loss :/
    P.S. I love that gal in cobalt blue jeans up there :)

    1. Hold on yet babe, you'll be perfectly fabulous in no time :)
      PS: The girl that commented above made my day! ^_^

  6. I badly need to lose weight..apart from my right hand fingers nothing else is active in my body. Gotta push myself hard now! Btw..whts jillian michaels? a workout dvd?

    1. Aaww! You'll Ms.Prettyness :) Jillian is a trainer and has her own line of work out dvds :) I went with 30 day shred :)

  7. wow..great even i put on weight after my pregnancy..i was 75 kilos..
    i lost 15 weight last yr... n nw feels great when u lost weight...
    so very nice post n u luk lovely n fit..:)

    1. That is fabulous! Kudos for the fitness level :)
      Thank you so much :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. OMG babe!!! you look stunning!!! :O The last pic of you is just too good a result for just 2-3 months. I'm going to take up Jillian Micheals' now(I'm inspired!!!!! :)) and your legs look so toned!!! Way to go girl!! :) What was/is your diet like? :) Let me knowwwwww!!! :D

    Aaaaand, you're from Bangalore too??!! How cool!! :D


    1. Aaww thank you so much dear :) My diet wasn't anything great :) I'll put up a detailed post soon :)

      Yea, proud Bangalorean!

    2. Will wait for your diet post!!! ;) And, I'm a Bangalorean too.. a super proud one at that!! :D Yippiieee, I get so excited when I hear about a blogger from Bangalore!! :D


  10. hi, namitha lovely baby.......... u look stunning and read all ur articles of fitness u really inspired me dear thank u so much i really need to loose my weight so got ideas and inspired by ur articles.
    what was ur breakfast regime could u please share!!!!!! being a south indian that is a pain for me coz we use rice recipes much...........

    1. hey Shwetha, you are always so sweet doll :) thanks a ton :) I am so glad to have you inspired, anything you need shoot me a mail :)
      I totally understand the South Indian Rice Drama! >.< A detailed post will be up soon :)
      Thanks again :)

  11. You looked sooooooooooooooo cuteeeee!!! mmuuuuuaaaaaaaahhhh <3
    I am really impressed with your determination gurl!!
    I nominated you for an award on my blog do check!! :)

    1. Aawww Manu :) thanks a lot dahlyn :* Sure, I will check that :) *woot*

  12. This is super inspiring, Namita. hats off to you, keep it up. you are so cute as a baby too, cuddly cuddly little doll!!
    Please do keep writing about your progress, it will inspire you too :) thanks for the link on pinterest! it helps :)

    1. Thank you CC! :D Hehehe, I am giggling here :D
      Sure I'll ;) Oh and thanks again :D

  13. Hey !!! u look stunning :)

    can u pls share more details abt ur diet loss regime.. diet.. work out schedule ..
    did u buy Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred program or something else .. pls share .. i need to loose weight :(

    1. Thank you Mansi :) I'll put up a detailed post on diet soon :) Anything, shoot me a mail doll :)

  14. Your first pic look really adorable:D....My curve is an inverse one....I was 48 kg whole throughout my college life, 53 during next 3 years and now sadly, after marriage 58...I work out almost every day, but then the kind of food I eat is still making my weight hover around 58...

    1. Haha thank you :D i would kill to be a 53 :D You seem fit Opal :)

    2. Weight is not much of a concern to me Namita, inches are...I would want to reduce the inches...I do not gain weight, but's better not to speak out in public:(

  15. You look pretty in all the photos!

  16. Thats an inspiring post dear :)

  17. Hey thats awesome ya..can u let me know the link for Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred which u followed ?

    1. Hey Bhumika :) Sure, you can download torrent :)

  18. wow so good, ur last pic is so good,and truly diet plays a very important role our fitness , after my pregnancy i too gained a lot of weight but with my diet i saw a good change, & green tea with some honey worked great for me

    1. Thank you Punam :) Yes, green tea makes skin flawless too :)

  19. Thats a super inspiring post !! Even I am fighting to loose weight.
    God knows when will my wish come true !!

  20. you have done a great job with your body , young lady!
    not only do you look great, you also look much more confident! :)
    and not sure if i've mentioned it before, but i love the way you write :)

    1. Aaw thank you so much Isha :)
      IKR? Fitness gives confidence :)
      And thanks again, you are always so sweet :)

  21. Now this is brilliant! Proud of you. Well my story is the same. But with the thyroid since childhood thing, its been kind of hard to loose. But I ran miles every day and voila, I have lost 14 kgs...with no diet control whatsoever. Yes I am proud too :D

    1. Red Handed! Thank you :D OMG 14 kgs with no diet? :O That is AWESSSOMMEE! :D
      I am proud of you :D

  22. realli impressed by ur post ..hope i too start up wth dis :P


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