Friday, 10 August 2012

Why did I start blogging?

This morning I woke up to a grumpy me. I didn't want to get out of the bed. #ColdWeather. Still, I woke up even with mom not blasting my ears with constant notifications alerts screams on how I might miss the college bus if I don't get the hell out of my bed. I worked out with a grump, hated the abs circuit *That never happens to me.I HATE cardio cuz it makes me go breathless and pant like a dog. I love my crunches!* A long shower didn't cheer me up either. I didn't want to log into Facebook, Pinterest or watch any sitcoms. Even Big Bang Theory failed to interest me.

At one point, I wanted to stop blogging. Yea, the chatter in my head nagging me to go click pictures for the promised product reviews and haul posts had gotten unbearable.The votes on yesterday's post weren't helping me either. The poll I put in made me wonder how de-focused I was :O Asking for opinions is one thing, but depending on them with absolutely no half made decision? NOT ME!!  And I started wondering, why did I start blogging?!

I started blogging because I needed a creative outlet. I am a fairly good writer also interested in skincare and hair care and BLAH! But hey! Did I get obsessed at one point? I don't know. I get cranky if there are not enough comments, I refresh the dashboard every five minutes, check my mails with the same frequency :O No no no no! Shouldn't be happening to me.

I somewhere had lost track, I think. I got sucked in the mad rush to be 'the best!'. Suddenly, blogging had becoming a chore. I had to click pictures for my blog, when I didn't want to. My mind was constantly cribbing on how I have so many sections that I haven't updated in a while. I tried categorising my blog - what is it? Beauty blog? No. I don't have one tutorial till date. Why? Cuz I don't use tutorials on daily basis :o My everyday preening consists of some tinted moisturizer, some kajal, and a lipbalm :o The eye shadows,  the lipsticks, liners, primers, different creams for different skins of the body, err no :o I still haven't understood the need for a handcream :o Isn't your body cream just enough? :o Is it a fashion blog? Well NO! I have two Outfit Of The Day posts till date. I can't bring myself to give my opinions on some celebrity's outfit in some event. I don't have an extra-ordinary style either. I just wear what is comfortable and try to look pretty :O I remember declaring a 'no rant challenge' few posts ago :P *Never kept it up though* A personal diary-sort-of-blog? Hell no :D Though I sound like I blog my life here, I really don't. Privacy is somewhere I always want for myself.

It all came crashing down on me, all of a sudden.I don't have to be categorized into anything. My blog is everything, everything that I feel like writing down and publishing. I don't have to constantly worry about clicking pictures and give my expert opinions. I don't always have to have the perfect views. I don't have to stand all the self-promotive comments. I can choose to delete, or hell, ignore them.

I don't have to strive to make my blog 'fit into' something.

So guys, you might see changes from now on. I am back in a phase :P I am suddenly wanting a tattoo.I want to color my hair. Or atleast get bright purple highlights. And a nose piercing. I want a heart shaped nose ring. I also want another pair of ear piercings. I am craving for changes.I might end up changing the blog template. This post might totally get ignored, and the points too :P I might end up publishing crazy number of reviews or just rant and rant for days. The frequency of posts might skyrocket, or I might dissappear. For crying out loud, I might as well be in the pre-this-post-age.

The writer in me needs a life. Really. The fitness freak needs an uphold. The agony aunt, the opinionated chic, the this-is-my-blog,-I-blog-what-I-want-to-okay?-and-I-don't-give-a-damn-girl is making a comeback.

I hope you'll be with me through this phase :) *Just the way you've been with me through everything*



  1. I feel exactly the same and I wish to give it up too at times, and then I take a brief break and get over my bad mood, and think why I started blogging and get back to it ;)

    1. Yea Pooja, it can get so overwhelming! :D But then BAM! A break and its sorted :D thank you! :)

    2. :) write what u want, not what's expected, u would feel better, and we would get to see more of ur creative side :) take care dear :)

    3. That is what I am planning on doing Pooja, thanks a bunch for the advice :) I don't want to write I am expected to,but what I feel like :) Thanks a ton :) Means a lot :)

  2. Your blog your rules baby !
    never forget this please :)

    1. Thank you so much Namita, that was something I needed to hear, I think :O

  3. I love reading your rants, product reviews, advices, fitness posts, inspirational quotes. someone of my age can easily relate your posts, you are doing a great job.

    1. You included everything :D thanks a lot opal, you have always been so encouraging right from the beginning of my blog life :)


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