Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Clean and Clear Morning Energy Face Wash Review

Trust me on this, having younger sisters can be a gain, also a pain. You'll have someone to share secrets with, but they also end up empting your favorite perfumes and face washes! :| Well I don't mind my sister using my facewashes, but lady, let me know when you empty it >.< Nothing can be more annoying that finding a empty tube innocently looking at me after a hard day at college. *Yes, college is MORE stressful than school OKAY?*

When I couldn't stand this anymore, I bought her this basic face wash :D *Mom believes no chemical should touch the face. I really can't use just besan all day!*
I too use this face wash once in a while when I get bored of my regular face wash and need a milder option :) Sometimes you just don't go out the whole day but have to wash face before application of medication, so you need mildness. That is when I use it :) *Please excuse my lengthy explanations. I am really really sleepy! But I have a busy day tomorrow but can't let you guys get bored and miss me right? :) ;) The things I do for you guys ;)*

Lets move on to the review now, shall we? :)

Product: Clean and Clear face wash
Brand: Clean and Clear *Johnson and Johnson* *Duh!*
Variant: Morning Energy Brightening Berry Face wash
Cost: Rs.50/-
Quantity: 50 ml
Shelf life: 2 years

What does the company claim?
"Brighten your dull looking skin with this gentle face wash which has bursting beads that burst with energy and brightening berry extract. Gives you a burst of morning energy anytime of the day. The rich foam thoroughly removes oil and dirt. It has special ingredients that help prevent common skin problems, without over-drying. Leaves skin feeling clean, clear and beautiful everyday"

OKAY! All that 'burstt' made me think of fat bubbles and Diwali :P

The product comes in this super cute and chic packaging, which I totally dig. The flip cap is strong enough and doesn't spill. Drop it any number of times you want, Ms.Butterfingers. *Obviously, I am not responsible if it breaks :o :P*

The face wash is pale pink in color and smells delicious. You remember those scented erasers in weird shapes we would use as kids? *Whom am I kidding?! I still use them :** It sort of is like a stronger version of that scent. Refreshing, ofcourse. The 'bursting beads' are visible to the naked eye *Biology overload. Good old 12th standard ^_^ nostalgia!* but err, I have never actually 'felt' them. You know, I have sometimes squeezed out the facewash from the bottle with oodles of concentration and patience to get those damned beads out, but never :o Someday, I succeeded, but *pooof* It disappeared under slightest pressure.
True to character, BURSTS! :D

Anyho, it does its basic job - cleansing. It does remove the dirt off face, and smells really good. Its thinner than the regular Clean and Clear face wash, which I personally dislike.
Neither me nor my sis broke out with this facewash :)

My only complaint is the oily cast it leaves. Nothing dense, but well, I don't like the slippery feel right after washing my face, even if it goes away.

Other than that, its a decent face wash - economical, suits normal as well as oily, sensitive skin, smells yummy and lasts long.

My rating?

-1 for oily cast.

So girls, let me know if you have used it :) Loved? Loathed? Shoot a comment ;)

*The picture below has been uploaded due to sheer pressure from a 12 year old. Hmph! :@*

Miss me okay?



  1. honestly, I wanted to try out this face wash afetr checking out the ads but then saw SLS and backed out :(

  2. hihi cute pictures, am glad you reviewed it, am not purchasing this. it looks all fancy shmancy in the bottle

    1. Thank you CC :D Hehe ya, its cuteness thats all :D I love the older brother ;)

  3. Tagged you in a post on my blog. Check it out. http://chic-ilicious.blogspot.in/2012/08/another-award-liebster-blog-award.html

  4. I went and bought the apple flavor yest. Namita, look wat you are doing to me :p. I found the facewash a lil runny. I didn't feel the oily cast though, may be cause I have normal to dry skin....

    1. Aww Opal :D You liked it? :P Umm may be! :D You make me feel so much responsible now :P

  5. actually i hav oily skin. Will clean n clear help me to get rid of greasy look? I am just planning to buy this one right now. So tell me the solution quickly.


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