Friday, 24 August 2012

Happiness is a choice :)

Hello there dolls! :)

This morning I woke up feeling really really good :) I woke up ten minutes earlier, and even before my alarm went. *gasps* As I rubbed my eyes and walked out of my room, my dad handed over a Cadbury's :D Best.Morning.Ever.
That led to a very happy day :) I kept smiling at everybody *like a retard, ofcourse* and kept wondering how a good start leads to a wonderful day :D

Life is all about being happy, right? :) Happiness is not a destination, its a journey :) If you want to be happy, its your choice. If you don't want to, its your choice too! Stop wanting for the promotion, the increment, the jewelry, the relationship, him, parents and others to be happy. Its your life, live it big :)

Someday, your life will flash before your eyes, make it worth a watch 8)

In the same spirit, I dolled up to college today :D I wore a red top and a jean :) Paired it with a scarf and my wooden bangles 8) Please excuse the less number of pictures, I am still in the process of making my friends understand why I need them to click OOTD pictures :P

My college has nice green surroundings :) this is behind the Air Force's training area 
Top: Gift (All I know is its from Dubai :P) 2009
Jeans: Lee Cooper

Aren't these bangles so awesome? They are super versatile too. Bought in some random one day trip!

I wore this stole the whole day. I din't want people lecturing me on deep necks and shit like that >.<

This was bought from a random sale ^_^ No. Heels ain't comfortable, I still wear them. #ShortGirlThirdWorldProblems

I uploaded this picture only because my eyes look nice in this?!

And this is how I looked :)

On my face:


I got many compliments today :P Apparently, red suits me ^_^ Shopping, here I come 8) 

You guys let me know what you think okay? :)



  1. sooo true "Someday, your life will flash before your eyes, make it worth a watch 8)"
    yup red suits u!:)

    1. Very true :) Thank you Little Drama Queen :) That is an interesting screen name :)

  2. Wowieee.. Some one seems to be supah happy n i think my tips are working ! :D

    great to c u happy ..girl n u look damn pretty in the pix , i love ur heels and stroll <3

    Lots of Love

    Ric :)

    1. Ric! :) Oh very much :) I am so much better :D All thanks to you, my fountain of inspiration :*
      Thanks a ton doll! =)
      All the love, right back at ya :*

    2. Supah happy 4 u! God bless u with loads of happiness good luck n love :* <3

      TC Babe!

    3. You are a sweetheart :) Right back at you Ric :*

  3. def red suits u wel..
    nice FOTD namita..loved d bangles....

  4. hii...i agree with wt u tld u tld abbt being happy..damn true.reading this made me happy too. :D :D :D
    u look very cute..yes red suits u....
    loved the bangles,heels evrythng

    1. Aawh I am glad it made you happy :) Thank you so much girl :)

  5. You look great dear ! I love the bangles and red really suits you.. You reminded me of my college days. Since I studied in all girls college it was fun to experiment with lots outfits. However sometimes we used get caught and get lectured by the sisters .. Its part of college life and we enjoyed it too. :D

    1. Thank you so much Randonnee :) Aawwh IKR?! All the moral lectures :P College life seems complete only with them ;)

  6. Red does suit you, you should wear it more often if you like it too :) I liked the shot with green slippers, nail paint and the grass...very pretty.

    1. Thank you lots CC :) You are always so sweet to me :D

  7. Pretty girl red certainly suits you!! loved your heels and toe nails!!

    1. Thanks you so much Manu, you are very very kind :D

  8. I get worried about trivial things, and be happy about trivial thigs too...n girl you look good in the pics...we used to have boring uniforms in college:(

    1. We are mad, aren't we? But the madness is awesome too :D haha thanks :D me had uniform in the first year, finally got rid of it! Thanks hon :)

  9. Start your day with chocolate will make you smile the whole day :)) Oh, I love chocolate!
    Yes, red really suits you, babe.. and trust me you look gorgeous!


    1. Haha same here Fida :) Thanks a ton doll, you are always so sweet :* <3


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