Saturday, 23 June 2012

Wohoooooo!! :D

Hello hello hello! :D *I sound like Chota Bheem characters, don't I? :P*

I am way excited to be typing here haha :D OK so! I have something to tell you guys :D And I am so freakin' excited :D Sheesh! I have no patience to think a synonym for the word 'excitement' :D I am gonna announce something BIG, REAL BIG in a couple of couple of days! (Yes, that is like four days! Couple of, couple of days? Get it?! :o) Weeeee I am so happy :D *OKAY no, I ain't getting engaged yet ;)*

I half look like her :D

I am working on it from last evening and damn I have suddenly become an ultra busy woman :D I hadn't logged onto FB, Twitter, and for that matter Blogger until an hour ago 8) It is, my friend, dedication ^_^ ^_^ 

OK no :D I ain't gonna tell it out now. NOOOOO :D Haha :D Its so much fun keeping people in suspense ;) ;) Such a sweet torture 8) *Evil laughter* 

And oh, don't you love this sond Stereo Love by Edward Maya? I must have lost decent number of calories dancing in my chair :D Fuckin' love this song! ^_^  *Continues dancing in her chair with the serious party face* *Huumms..Oh baby, baby I run, but I'm running to you**Continues dancing in her chair with the serious party face*

OK so :D LOL! :D What was I saying? Yeah, the big announcement :D Wish me luck wish me luck :) :) I am gonna need lots of it 8) 

On the other hand, I received Viviana samples products a couple of days ago :)

I have already done a nail art using the green and white, and boy! its the cutest green ever :)
Breakdown pictures and review coming soon :) 

Here is a picture :)

Let me know what you want me to review first :)

So that is for the fastest update ever :D I gotta run and start the errands for my secrety secret project now :D I will reply to all your comments later. You do know right? They make my day! :) 

Have a happy weekend chics! 8) 

Image sources:
The first image has been Google-d. I don't claim any ownership.
Second image is mine.



  1. God, Nams, you have created an atmosphere of suspense on your blog!
    At first, I also thought maybe you were getting engaged or something LOL
    whatever it is, I can't wait to know!

    1. LOL :D I am still 19, ain't gonna get engaged anytime soon Maila :D
      Ya, wait wait wait ;) ;)

  2. hmmmm couple of, couple of days ! lol

    I don't like suspense,,curiosity kills the call :p

  3. would like to see viviana lipstick reviews

    1. Sure hon, I'll post the nail polish reviews and then lipstick review :)

  4. you are such a tease young lady! :D
    those viviana people contacted me too .
    but i never got an reply out of them so i eventually gave up :

  5. Hey Nami. U give the suspensy suspense of ur secrety secret project! I too thought that u r getting engaged. Now I can imagine how u would react for that!lol! Anyways we are waiting!

    1. Shylu :D LOL :P I am just 19, won't get engaged anytime soon lady :D Thank you ;) Aah keep waiting ;)

  6. Really curious! What's up!!!
    This is a nice way to make a new visitor to your blog so curious!!!
    Do drop by my blog sometime.. :)
    Fashion Panache

    1. Hey Bhushavali :) Haha thank you ;) Glad to know there are so many of you curious here ;)
      Sure dear, I certainly will :)


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