Friday, 25 May 2012

The Story of The Abused

Hello you!

No. This is not Namita here. She is fast asleep. So early. Stupid lazy bum. She has got a Chemistry exam tomorrow, and without even 50% of portions revised, she is asleep. Fast asleep. Over confidence I tell you. All I hope is she comes home tomorrow with a happy face. Smiling wide. I have a major surgery tomorrow afternoon, all I need is her beside me :(

Oh I didn't tell you who I am did I? Its her Computer here. Personal computer. The one she uses to blog. The one she watches Gossip Girl on. The one she spends the maximum of her time with. The one who Google's everything for her -- From a lipstick swatch before buying to life quotes that keep her going. The one who helps her with lame ass Engineering. The one that distracts her no matter what exam it is ;) I soo flirt with this hottie :* :* ;)

I know she loves me, a lot. She dusts me once a day. Never lets any one else use me. She has got devilish siblings. OMG! They are GOD AWFUL! >.< I get so tired playing those damned car games and 'Maximum Mouse Clicks' for her younger brother. He is adorable though :* What was I saying? Haa she never lets any else use me. She does her mom's online work herself --- Oriflame orders, mom's mails and all those things. I know she loves me.
But takes me for granted.
 Yes. She has always taken me for granted. Never does any technician come to my rescue for minor symptoms of mine :( I mean if you get a fever, you'll go to doctor know? Will you sleep for a while, wake and and its gone? No? Please tell her that :( Every time I get stuck at a point unable to move, she will happily Restart me and I am alright. No matter what the frequency of this error, she never bothers, and instead blames me. She calls me Old and Slow :( :( :( .

But then, symptoms become major and life becomes complicated. I am in a bad place in my life now. My brain (You guys call them hard drives) is thoroughly fucked. I have gotten too many worms and viruses in my body :( :( :( My display is messed too :( I am seeing unusual band of colors now and then, and its giving her a headache.
Also, I am fashionably very backward. Thanks to one of her mom's softwares, my memory is too filled to get an upgraded version of Windows. But then, from her next semester, Namita needs Fedora. And finally, thank the Almighty, she has decided to increase my memory, get me upgraded and then install the needed softwares.

All these surgeries and medications might take up to a week, depending on my condition. My display unit might get completely changed :( Hard drives will be replaced too :( *Shudders* The thought of an evaluation of my health is scaring me.

Now why I am telling you all this is, Namita might end up missing in action for a while. Hopefully, not more than the whole of next afternoon and evening. And when she comes back, she will undoubtfully trash me, blast me here :( Blame me for she missing you guys and end up telling how happy she is that I am back on track (with my newly built interior). And then, I don't want you guys judging me. You should know the story from both ends. So till then, miss her and her chatter. I love my girl! :) Reply to her posts, nothing makes her any more happier. You must see the genuine smile on her face for every comment, my adorable baby *Sigh*

*Cough* *Cough* Aaah I am OK! The sound that is *irritating* her, just got too loud :( My poor CPU! :(

Oh wait I hear the alarm :o She will wake up any moment to study *sorry to have judged her before, didn't know she would wake up this early to study*, and if she sees me being so daring, I am so gone. And then you'll have to 'R.I.P' me.  So wish me luck fast fast! I'll rise from the ashes and come back better, helping her blog better :)

Wish me LUCK and a speedy recovery! NOWW!!

I Google-d that image. It is not mine.


  1. nice post..i really enjoyed reading it...

  2. aww dear PC, don worry , u n ur gal wl b back in action very soon :D
    *thinks of the numerous times she restarted n force closed her lappy, goes to dust it a bit*

    1. Thank you :) I hope so too! I just heard her swearing cuz the technician will come tomorrow :( So she will be here today :)
      Yes yes, please take care of your lappy. I know how it feels to be taken for granted :(

  3. lol....very creative...enjoyed reading it...:)

  4. hahaha.. PC darling, Get well soon!!

    And, All the best Namita

    1. PC says thank you :D He will get back to thanking you asap ;)
      And thanks Amrin, my exam did go well :)

  5. hehe, such an adorable post Namita! Loving the new look of the blog!
    Good to get back to reading your blog! :)
    Have started another blog, with a friend to give her a virtual bday surprise.
    please drop by and write your wishes for her! Follow, if you like what you see! :)


    1. Hey Isha! :) Glad to see you back! Yes yes you have missed too much :| Get back to reading and commenting, NOWW!!

      Yes I did check it and its beautiful :) All the very best to you gurls :) I have left a comment across, hope you don't mind :P

  6. was fun, Mr. have great sense of humor to take your illness lightly :D :D waiting to see you back in action :)

    1. Hehe :D Thank you so much Swati! :D :)
      Namita <3

  7. :D hehehhe awesum post :D Loved reading it!! I love ur writing style, so refreshing.. :)
    Thnx for droppin by my blog and for your lovely comment :)
    M following you back
    Keep Smiling

    The Sweet Life

    1. Aaww thank you so much Ruhie! :)
      You 've got a great blog, keep it going!
      And your name is so cute! :D
      Thank you girl :)
      Namita <3

  8. hey, you! you really are a terrific writer. it totally draws me in, and witty, heartwarming and touching at the same time. :)

    happy sunday!


    1. You so made my day Jasmine :) Thank you very much! :)
      Namita <3

  9. :) loved and thoroughly enjoyed reading :)

    1. Aww Rekha thanks a lot! :) Glad you had fun! :)
      Namita <3

  10. Thank you Jigar :) I'll check the contest for sure :)
    Namita <3

  11. enjoyed reading this article :) :)
    nice post

  12. Aww that was really sweet. Muaaaah to u PC Dear! and get well soon. :)

    1. Haha thank you so much Jyoti :) :)
      Namita <3

  13. Loved it Nami:)U r creative!

    1. Wish to see you back soon:)All the best for your exams!

    2. Thank you Shylu :) Yay! My exams are done and I am back! :)
      Namita <3

  14. hehe :) nice... loved it.... <3

  15. Awesome gal!!! What a post...I am clean bowled by ur style of writing...lovedd it:-*

  16. aww so sweet i just came across your blog and i am a fan .awesome creativeness

  17. Hats off to ur creativity girl :)
    awesome ^.^

    1. Thank you Nupur, you've got a beautiful name :)


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