Saturday 4 February 2012

Go Green! 8)

Hello my Cuppiecakes! :* 
No. I am not preaching here. This is not a seminar on why and how to save Mother Earth *I will post about it sometime :)* This post is about my Secret Friend. He doesn't like publicity, and silently does his work, keeping quiet. He never brags about how, without him, I would still be battling for a clear skin.And how I would still be wanting to shed the last few pounds I had gained in two years. And guess what? You have heard of him too. You have seen him many times, heard people rave about him, but never moved that sexy tush to get it. Nope, I aint apologizing for the selection of words 8) 
So who is the humble hunk that makes me go gaga every morning and night? ;) 
With a round of applause, please welcome, our very wonderful Green Tea :) *Kisses the carton of green tea* :P

OK by now you know how much of a sulky kid my skin was! If not, read this and this. :D After trying all possible home remedies, I still couldn't avoid getting those nasty bumps! Developing a new pimple when treating old ones can be a huge pain and very disappointing. 
Add to it, i had put on quite a lot of weight. Thanks to a busy stressful 12th standard, I ended up bloating. Following a healthy diet helped me lose most of the flab, but as they say, the last few pounds are the hardest to lose.
And here came to my rescue, the amazing green tea 8)
I had read on a numerous blogs about the benefits of consuming green tea on a regular basis but had never given serious try! So, me and mumma decided to give it a shot! She for her weight loss, and me basically for skin and added benefits of weight loss :P
What gives green tea its awesome characteristics? *Excuse me for the vocabulary, I am a Science student :P Super Nerd till 10th standard. And NOT proud of it*
Its rich in anti-oxidants. *Yeah, the same thing found in black grapes! I thought of writing the scientific names, but felt that would be an Information Overload :P If any one is interested, I will provide you guys with it :)* Anti oxidants help delay aging. They feast on the free radicals in the body, and provide resistance against cancer and heart diseases too :)
The very many benefits of green tea include :

  • Prevention of acne to a great extent, healthy glow from inside :) 
  • Increased metabolism! You might not see an instant weight loss, but losing 3-4 kgs in a month just by sipping in green tea twice a day! Can I be happier? ^_^
  • Delay in aging process
  • Reduction toxin levels in your body

How does me sip it? 8)
Boil a cup of water, and when you see those cute but super hot bubbles, switch the stove off. Add in a spoon of green tea (I use Tetley's, there are a dozen brands to chose from! ) and brew it. Strain into your favourite mug 8) NEVER boil the leaves LOL! :D You'll end up with an yucky gross tasting liquid :P Tea bags are available too 8)
I add a little honey (lesser calories than sugar 8)) and few drops of lemon for that awesome flavor! Its a weird taste, but I love it :D
Green tea has been my wisest choice in life and I am happy I did it! I am so much less stressed, my skin is improving day by day and my weight is constantly getting back to healthy range :) And oh, the liquid can be used as a toner too, just by adding a few drops of tea tree oil and vitamin capsules for added benefits. (Lemme know if anyone wants a post on that! :)* Store in a cool, dark place, and make it in batches for freshness :)

So how did you like it? :* Try and lemme know guys! :)

Image sources:-
Google-d. I don't claim any ownership. 



  1. I love green tea! I dont understand why people make such a big deal about how it tastes,, i mean it comes in so many flavours.

  2. IKR! :D With so many many benefits, the taste should be so not an issue! Not to mention the variants :P I love it to bits!

    Namita <3

  3. I've heard so many good things about green tea but this is the first time I've actually thought about giving it a try, after reading your post. Know what I mean? Will let you know how it goes :D

  4. I have never tried Green Tea.. In fact i have do not like tea at all!! :( I like coffee though! That too only once a month or something! :P But i will surely give it a try if you are recommending it so strongly!! :) You are, in fact, one of my favorite bloggers!! :D *WINK*


  5. I mean i do not like tea at all!! :( Ignore the typing error!

  6. @Ms Nyx: Aaaww sure! It has so many goodie things about it,so please give a try! :) Lemme know hon :D
    @Butterfly: Trust me gal give a try :) Even if it does nothing to skin, it will give you a good immunity power :) Aaww I am flattered :P Thanks so much sweetheart :)

    Namita <3

  7. I love natural cosmetic :) just found your blog and I love it already! I am your newest follower!
    Greets from Ireland!
    xxx Marina

  8. @Beautiful me plus you: Much honored sweetie :) I'll follow you right back :) Thank you so much :)
    Namita <3

  9. I have heard so much about green tea..even had it for a while! But I hate the taste of it! I'm trying to get back to it though!

  10. Ahh it tastes real bad, I second that! But for all the good things that it has, I wouldn't mind :P
    Try adding few drops of lemon juice and a lil honey sweetie :) It tastes sorta good :)
    Namita <3


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