Friday, 27 January 2012

Lacto Calamine Review

Hello there Hotness! :)

I had no plans of doing this review until I typed Oriflame Essentials Fairness Cream review. There I told you about the effect of Lacto Calamine on my poor poor skin. I really want to know whether its just my skin, or Lacto Calamine is a skin monster to everyone. *Sheesh! I just gave away the verdict :o OK now pretend like you didn't read the previous two lines :P*

Here is my take on this product...!! 

Product : Lacto Calamine
Brand : From Piramal Health Care
Cost and Quantity : Rs.33 for 30 ml. Smaller and larger variants available. There is a super tiny cute bottle available for Rs.11/- :) Also, there is a variant called 'Aloe Moisturiser' for Dry to Normal Skin. 

I got the 'Classic' one for Oily to Normal Skin.

The brains behind the product say,
Lacto Calamine Skinsurance : The goodness of Clay and Glycerin gives your skin :
1. Nourishment
2. Acne and Oil Control
3. Dead skin Removal
4. Protection

Directions for use : Apply everyday for clear, beautiful skin. For external use only.

Ingredients : Aqua, Light Kaolin, Castor Oil, Glycerin, Zinc Oxide, Zinc Carbonate, Emulsifiers, Preservatives, Perfume and Permitted colours

The Acne Monster started haunting me from my 7th standard :( :-| When in 9th standard, a good friend suggested me to use Lacto Calamine (Yeah, I have been discussing stuff from that long :P) . Then I had never heard about it from anyone else, and was rather skeptical to try. And slowly, Lacto faded off my memory.
Recently, I read on a blog that it works as a good tinted moisturizer + mild sunscreen, and I decided to give a try. *Bad decision :@*

The lotion comes in a simple screw bottle with a gigantic mouth. Yes. Gigantic. I almost fell into it the other day. Really :o :P 
For a lotion with a rather runny consistency, its such a bad idea to have such a huge mouth :-| 

Lacto Calamine is a light peachy colored liquidy solid that is always eager to spill out of its grumpy container. So, if you are as clumsy as me, keep few tissues with you :) Trust me, it helps :P 
*I just realized I talk WAY too much :o :D*

                                            See the huge mouth? :o 

I used Lacto with my sunscreen on my One Day Trip to Ranganathittu (A famous bird Sanctuary near Mysore, Karnataka. You guys should visit it some time :) ) The morning that I left, I had a clear face, with no zits. The evening that I returned, I had FIVE huge pimples :-| And I so cannot blame anything else for those nasty devils. And the worst part, it took me almost a week to get rid of them :( Left with fresh scars to deal with now. *Sigh* The friend that suggested me Lacto, still uses it, and swears by it...!! :o 

I am concerned to use it again and see if I break out :o My super cranky skin is sensitive to experiment on :@ 
And now, I am left with a BIG bottle of Lacto Calamine, and no idea on how to use it :-| *Bangs head against the wall*

In my opinion, its such a hit or miss product! If it works for you, you'll have an amazing skin, if not, be ready for an angry angry epidermis. 

So is it a Fairytale or a Tragedy? --- T.R.A.G.E.D.Y honey :'( If it has worked well with anyone, let me know. I'll be happy for you. Promise :o 

Image Sources:-
Both the images are mine.

Namita <3


  1. You know Lacto Calamine is not that bad!! :) I don't use it always just when i have a rash or something [ which i don't often! *TOUCHWOOD*], it has a cooling effect! Maybe it does not suit your skin! :) Never mind at l;east now you won't use it. :) And it DOES have BIG mouth! LMAO!! :) Yes, you talk too much but i like all the talking that you do! ;)


  2. :D Really? I don't like that evil thing anymore >.< Never had skin rashes *touchwood*. So don't know about the cooling effect :o I will probably give it to my sister :P The Big Mouth :D ;)
    Awww so sweeet of you baby :D I'll talk more then ;) :D
    Namita <3

  3. Hey!
    u have sooper-cute blog! em joining u on ur blog

    visit my blog

  4. Hey!
    Thanks so much dear :)
    Sure, I'll visit yours :)

    Namita <3

  5. Surabhi seems to be right...perhaps you might b allergic to the ingredient in it...I personally love lacto has been my all time favorite. .n namita...u look pretty damn cute n I love ur blog:-*

    Wid pure honesty


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