Friday, 20 January 2012

Chapped is an understatement! Its BROKEN! - TOD!

"No mom!! Applying lemon-juice on that stupid mark on my cheek wont help, it will just make me smell like a juice-stall :-| " "OIL? HAIR? Are you in sane mind?!" Well that was me before I actually tried any home remedies. I have been a victim of pimples, and so obviously blemishes, dry hair, chapped lips and all other such creepies that wreck havoc at a personal level. After lot cash spent on dumping chemicals on my skin and hair, and tearing hair and throwing tantrums over the results that never showed up, I decided to try the so famed Mummy's/Granny's/Neighbor's/Aunt's Home Remedies :o In this section, I'll list out the tips that worked for me(and those that didn't). So much for doubting the sanity of my mom :P

GHEE- No no, don't start breaking out already :P Ghee is an awesome cure for those abused lips ;) Abused by chilly winds I mean :o What were you thinking? ;) :P 

Apply a layer of Ghee on those broken lips, and let it sit there. Just resist the urge to lick it off :D
PS: Some dont like the smell of ghee. I sometimes don't. In that case, the tip below should help :)

Honey+Vaseline - This is truly a life saver..!! You know those annoying times when you are all dolled up, and apply that last coat of lip gloss, and an ugly peel of dry lip peeps out? :-| Ughh!! To avoid such disasters, try this! 8)

Just make a paste of Vaseline and Honey. Dab it on as a thick layer on your lips and leave it overnight. You can apply and sit when you are home and wasting time too. (You know, stalking people on FB ;))
You can exfoliate your lips before doing this. Just take some sugar crystals (not too big, nor too tiny), add a lil water (can also use honey instead) and using a toothbrush, gently brush your lips. Be very gentle, you don't want torn lips :o (OMG!!!) This will help you get rid of all the dead skin 8) 

So how to avoid dry lips?
Read along my child 8) *Angel face*

Drink water. LOTS water. It will hydrate you from inside.

Get your veggies right. Yeah, that pathetic spinach too. 

Wear a lip balm like its your second skin. We go hysteric over slight imperfections in the facial skin, dump loads of products on it, but mostly ignore the poor old lips :( But baby, they are YOUR lips. So Take Care :) Medicated lip balms are available too, though I prefer tinted ones ^_^

IF you suffer from chronic chapped lips, it might be a sign of deficiency. Please check with your doctor asap :o

Oh I almost forgot. I remember reading somewhere that dry lips are cured overnight if you apply a little coconut oil on your navel and sleep. I have tried it and it WORKS!! :o I don't understand the Science behind this though :o Could someone please enlighten me? :) 

Image sources : Google-d. I do not claim any ownership.


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