Sunday, 23 November 2014

Sorry Waala Post.

Hello you guys!

*Eh eh, still alive!*

I know, I can't even begin to say how hopelessly guilty I am that I went missing -_- 

This year hasn't been really great blogging wise, I haven't blogged much. 

I know its no excuse to go missing like that. Sorry, okay? Final year, placements, project work, course projects, case studies UGH! Life got in the way, basically. 

I kinda recently realized that I have been suffering from writer's block too, and that is primarily because I got slacky and lost the mojo to write! *gasp!*

And then I felt the need to make a confession and restart blogging. I might as well say it served as a break from beauty/fashion blogging?! 

Anyho, starting today I am going to post super regularly, okay? Atleast one post every alternate day, and no, press releases don't count. I have review posts on Oriflame products, hair care products and DIY, plus, one exciting news too! 

Pinky promise.

Meghna, Kruti, Alisha, Jyotsna, Mr.P, Neha and Rahul, Shivani, thank you so much for your lovely mails and a big sorry for MIA :( *hugs

Lets start afresh, okay? 
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PS: Hi. 


  1. Omg you're finally back!! I just happened to check on the site today to see this and I am soo excited! Can't wait to see your posts :)

    1. Aww! Thank you, Sakshi :* New posts are up, do read them :)


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