Wednesday, 27 November 2013

The Great Online Shopping Festival 2013!

Hello beautiful people :D

Here is a quick post before I lose myself in JFLAP, OPNET IT GURU, project reports, GNU HURD, have-to-write-third-internal-in-this-paper-'cuz-my-average-sucks. Honestly, what is with life going insanely fast in the end of the semester? That thin line between day, noon, evening, night, midnight, three hours past midnight and the so-dreaded 6 AM. Yea, that damned line is so blurry right now. *clicks tongue -- extra strong coffee in one hand, other hand plucking away the crossed out Stick-On notes from the USB port* And the fact is that I am actually, not really complaining.

Anyho, the Great Online Shopping Festival, GOSF 2013 is here. I am sure everybody knows about Monday Sale and Black Friday, it works on similar lines :)

This time, GOSF 2013 is likely to happen on the 11th,12th and 13th of December. For shopoholics like me us, it so is THE time for shop!

You might want to avail the awesome offers on various shopping portals. is of course being a part of it, and you can totally avail all the eyes-pop-jaws-drop offers :) You can bookmark GOSF page right here to keep yourself updated.

*BOOKMARK it already, add in an alarm from the 11th of December. Every five hours let it croon, just to remind you to shop ;)*

That's pretty much it. I shall leave you with this beautiful piece of information I found on Pinterest.

Miss me :*

*blows kisses*

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