Friday, 29 March 2013

Damsel In Distress

Hello there *if you still remember me*

I am sitting in a browsing center typing this post super fast because there is this lame guy in the next cabin whistling out cheap songs. *Sigh* The things I do for you guys. I know I know, why am I here anyway? Yes, you guessed it right. Its BSNL-Sucks-Period, baby.

Screw you BSNL.

The net connection to my very wonderful room is cut off, courtesy Metro workers that dug up metres together of BSNL's phone wires. And when? Like 10 days ago. The officer in the BSNL office was arrogant enough to ask my mom to get a different connection if we don't have patience to wait. I mean c'mon, a week is hardly any time without phone and internet, right? WRONG. I have finally convinced my parents to get a better service provider. The talks on BSNL's data card is on too. Suggestions? If all goes well, I'll be spamming you guys starting Tuesday :D Until then, some scheduled press releases. Interesting ones, I promise :)

I'll come back with many product reviews - Dove, Maybelline, Oriflame and the like, and a cleaner blog template. Oh and with replies to all your comments. I am so sorry I haven't replied to any :( I ain't snooty, you know the issue now :o

Having issues with the blog template and missing posts? Got something to say? Have to contact me? Miss me too much? :P Shoot a mail at :) My phone allows proper access to it, of course -_-

What is happening with you guys? Are you all like living life to the fullest? YAY! to weekend! I miss you all so much :( :( And the blog too :( Its like a part of me has gotten cut off :( *sniff* *sob*

*throws disgusting looks to whistler guy and leaves*
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  1. You have a nice blog! I hope you get nice internet connection soon!

    1. Aaw thank you! :) BSNL is back for now, thanks :D

  2. aww Namitha..absolutely understand your situation.. i was stuck in the same situation just a few days back !

  3. Don't become a caveman Nami...Then v'l hear more rantings :P he he...cum back soon!


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