Friday, 8 March 2013

A Lot Of Stuff : The Summer Wishlist and the Face Phase Two

Isn't it so annoying when you get a song stuck in your head? I am stuck with regional songs today :D There is  this song that roughly translates to how a woman's waist is dangerous. And yours truly, disregarding Women's Day, sung it loud all the way home in bus. Ho hum.
Well its been long I wrote a proper post these days, and I don't even want to start the ranting already!

Its March, its summer. Lets see the Summer Wishlist now?

Isn't this coral sandal so pretty? *Sigh* 

Totally in love with this Marc Jacobs. I am eyeing a similar top ;)

Updos. I don't like leaving my hair down in summer, the heat, the sweat et all. Updos are pretty, updos are summer practical. 

Neoness. Bright colors and arm candies. 

Bows! What better way to fix the errant stands that a pretty little bow? 

Final plunge to fitness. Oh yea. I am taking up the 30 Day Shred all over again starting today. For those of you that don't know, its a 30 day super intense workout routine. It takes  half an hour every day and has a combination of various exercises for different parts of the body. In case anybody is interested and wants the torrent files (and is too lazy too Google it yourself :P ) drop across a mail and I shall mail you the file. 

Oh and I was supposed to update you guys on the skin condition. 

The Face Phase Two :

Clindamycin is working great for me! I am getting one or two pimples over a span of 4-5 days and they too perish within two days. There is no active acne as of now :D YAY! I want to start with the scar reduction already. 
Bottom line: Clindamycin works! :)

So you guys! Tell me what you think - summer favorites, Insanity workout and the skin :D

Image Sources: All are taken from Pinterest. I don't claim any ownership. 

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  1. in love with those coral sandals!
    happy women's day,

  2. Loved that top....
    Great that clindamycin is working for you....
    Happy women's day.. :-)
    Btw the song from chandu movie allwa! Sudeep's.. :-P

    1. Hehehe :D ya, Clindamycin :D LOL yaa :D that movie only hahahaha :D

  3. Please mail me the 30 day challenge files !! Too lazy to google.
    Mail Id :

  4. Hey even i want the 30day challenge files... mail madi please :P


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