Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Dry locks - TOD!

"No mom!! Applying lemon-juice on that stupid mark on my cheek wont help, it will just make me smell like a juice-stall :-| " "OIL? HAIR? Are you in sane mind?!" Well that was me before I actually tried any home remedies. I have been a victim of pimples, and so obviously blemishes, dry hair, chapped lips and all other such creepies that wreck havoc at a personal level. After lot cash spent on dumping chemicals on my skin and hair, and tearing hair and throwing tantrums over the results that never showed up, I decided to try the so famed Mummy's/Granny's/Neighbor's/Aunt's Home Remedies :o In this section, I'll list out the tips that worked for me(and those that didn't). So much for doubting the sanity of my mom :P   

Fenugreek seeds - Yes. The dull yellow coloured stinky yet cutesy seeds can add A LOT of moisture to dry hair. Tried and tested by the very awesome Me. *flashes a smile*  Its summer and  dry hair is bound to go all the more drier :( These days oiling hair before washing has become a must for me. And last night, I forgot to oil my oil. I was too lazy last night. But sometimes, brain works surprisingly smart and I soaked in half a cup of fenugreek seeds and went off to sleep 8) The seeds had absorbed a lot of water and all fattened up in the morning when I woke up. Just made a paste of them adding very lil water everytime and I applied the gooey mess to my hair. Let me tell you, it stinks. If you have sensitive nose like me, you might as well puke. Eeeww :P Its THAT bad. After pulling the hair away, a face mask on, I concentrated on Gossip Girl and let it work for two long hours on my poor dry hair. The torturous 2 hours ended, and I washed the gooey stinky thing off my hair. *The two hour stretch is imposed by my mom. She says two hours are perfectly enough for a hair mask 8)* Though she asked me not to use shampoo, and just follow with conditioner, I freakin' couldn't stand the smell :o Who wants to smell like a walking grocery?! Christ!
 And saw instant results. There was SO much volume, yet such softness. Its incredible I'll tell ya :) My hair is well moisturized, and is visibly smoother. Also, my natural texture is retained. When I oil my hair and wash, my hair tends to get straighter :| 
So yes, though its messy and gooey and (a lil) *whom am I kidding?* stinky, it works wonderful on hair :) It has finally made way to my hair care :P

Have you used this kitchen miracle? Worked for you? 
Lemme know! :)

Image Sources:-
Google-d. I don't claim any ownership.



  1. am going to try this..pakka se... :D

  2. hey namitha, lovely blog.. and you too :)

    your new follower.. hope you will follow me back at

    tc :)

  3. i am def trying this tip ...thnks for sharing !!!

  4. I too have tried it.It is wonderful.I'm following u.Nice blog.Hope u will show love back:)

  5. WOW! i have heard about Fenugreek seeds <3


  6. @Opal: Do try and lemme know girl :)

    @few unnecessary stuff: Yeah love, try and let me know :D

    @Niesha: Aww thanks hon :) I'll visit by soon :)

    @Riddhi: Do try sweetie, its wonderful :) Anytime :)

    @Shy: Hmm :) Thank you, sure I'll :)

    @Megha: Lovely! :)

    Namita <3


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