Thursday, 16 February 2012

Capturing the heart - 12 and a Lil Update! :D

Hello Ms. Fabulous :)

We all have those times when we feel like sh*t, don't we? "OMG! I am so flabby..!!" "Oh gawd! Why don't I put on some weight?!" "Christ! I hate how my nose looks!" "Why can't I just be as flawless as Ms.... (fill in her name there)" And the tantrums are just never ending. No matter how many times he tells you "You are beautiful, honey :*" or how many girls envy your hair, or the color of your eye, you just dont get re-assured. Happens with me at least :o

So I thought of this section, where I will post pictures that might make us feel better. Or rather, just repeat the truth. We all need the pampering once in a while, dont we? :) 

I honestly hope these photos make you feel good. If they make one person smile, purpose served :) (Click on the pic to enlarge) 

I so love such positive quotes! ^_^ They pep up any pathetic day! :) 

And gurls, I have been missing in action! (MIA :D) My college fest is in first week of March, and I am sort of involved with the preparations :D Also, exams tests records SHEESH!  Implies, I get back home thousand times tired than any other day :| Also, my hormone levels are a lil imbalanced, and I have gotten anemic, again >.< And you know why :o! That makes me all the more tired....implies I got to get at least 6 hours of sleep (Yeah, I don't usually get 8 hours of sleep >.<)Please excuse me for 2-3 more days until I recover completely. I promise I'll get back to regular spamming on your wonderful blogs :* :) No more rants for a month, pinky promise :D 
PS: I HAVE to lose upto 8-10 kgs by end of May 2012. I'll tell you more about it in my next post! :) All the toned hot chics, help me join the league :D Oh ya! Its not cuz I-want-to-look-like-a-model, its cuz I am short :P and need to lose weight to keep my hormones in neat levels :) :) 

How you all doing sweeties? :* :)

Image source:-
Google-d.I don't claim any ownership.



  1. Lovely thought of the day i must say ...

  2. And if you do find the magic formula to reduce 8-9 kg by May please do share. its my wedding in May and im still indulging in the most sinful pleasures:Gulping down ghar ka khaana:p. I too need to shed some flab for the big day.

  3. It's not that difficult! :) I am not flabby but i do keep exercising regularly to keep myself prim and proper! :) That gives me the chance to whatever i like in whatever quantity too! :P Lol!! ;) i hope you are able to achieve what you want to. And also get well soon princess! :)


  4. I like the quote... Positive quotes always makes me go.. Get well soon.. And good with fest and exams and stuff.. and about ur weight u ll surely reduce do little walking it will help :D

  5. Super Post, loved reading every word of it :)

  6. hey hope u get better soon :)

  7. I'm on a weight loss mission as well ;) currently on a treatment and putting on weight drastically.. so i definitely need to lose weight after completing my treatment..which will end on march 20th.. Wish you all the best and do share tips with us ;)

  8. @Shalini: Thank you :)

    @Opal: Err the magic formula has to be 'eat right and work out' :D Aaww you got lots time sweetie :) Good luck! :)

    @Butterfly: Aah I know hon, I was perfectly happy with my bod till 11th std, then bloated up >.< I am so gonna get back to being hot again ;) M so Jealous of you now :D :* Thank you so much baby :)

    @Rambling Of A Single Girl In The City: Positive quotes are my staple diet :D Glad to share the views :) Haha thanks so much :) This is the first time I have taken responsibilities on big scale, hope I handle everything properly :) Ahh weight, I am determined this time, I will :) Thankiee :)

    @Shruti: Thank you hon :)

    @Pooja_G: Aaww thanks love :) I hope so too :)

    @Fida: Oh sure :) Good luck with the treatment sweetie :) I'll make a Fitness Section asap :)

    Namita <3

  9. 8-10 kgs by May, is lil difficult, dont u think so? vaise i also need to shed these kgs, lets do it together, wat do u say?

    em a big time anaemic too, my HB has increased from 8.2 to 8.9!

  10. Err it is difficult, but I have to achieve it for my health's sake! :) Yeah hon sure! I'll post on it by this evening! Lets do it together! Everyone has right to a sexy bod :D
    Oh being anemic sucks! >.< Try having more of beetroot! My HB came from 8 to 12 in a month, 6 months ago :) Hope it helps! :)

    Namita <3

  11. Love your blog! New follower :)

    Hope you like mine as well

    xxx Jessica

  12. Thank you so much! :)
    Following you right back! :)
    Namita <3


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