Thursday, 23 February 2012


Hello my Chics! :D

Couple of days I have been 'Absent Maam' and OMIGOSH! So many awesome posts piled up for me to read :* Screw my college :( But then, I had promised you guys that I.WONT.RANT! :D So here is a quick post :)

Oh BTW, Welcome my first Book Review...!! *Do I hear trumpets and bugles? Aawww thank you! :) :P*
As this is gonna be a quick post, let me straight get into the review!

Title: The Backbenchers- The Extra Class!
Author: Sidharth Oberoi
Publication: Grapevine India Publishers Pvt. Ltd
Cost: Rs.100/- (My best friend got it as a gift. Through :*)
You guys remember it was my birthday this 14th know? :D My awesome best friend got me five books + a sexy dress + ahh so many things! :D I aint a serious book fanatic, but do indulge in reading regularly :) *All thanks to him :**
The only reason I wanted to start with this book was the title :P The Backbenchers. Who is a backbencher here? *Rises hand* I sit in the last bench with my besties, pissing the hell out of lecturers, eating through the class, texting, review know? Ssshh! :o

About the Author: Its a book by Sidharth Oberoi. That is all I could find out :o There is no 'About the author' page, neither could Google find him :o So, if you reading this Mr.Sidharth, you might want to add a page about you in the book :)

What is it all about?
High School Drama. Ananya is your innocent, adored and popular kid, in her home town Raipur. And due to circumstances, she has to shift to Delhi with her Daddy Dearest. The new city is bloody new to her, what with short skirted, tight shirted girls, the hunks, the parties and hangovers, jelousy, bitch-ism and so on.
Desperately wanting to fit in, she undergoes a make over *The-Nerd-removes-her-nerdy-glasses-goes-scotching-hot-as-soon-as-she-leaves-her-hair-open-drama* *Rolls eyes*
And then you guess it! Guys want her. She wants another guy. His girl is a mean lady. And no. I won't reveal what happens next :P *Did you guess already? ;)*

I finished this book, thanks to my weird ways. Once I start reading a book, I have to finish it. And that is the sole reason I read this book to last page. NOTHING ELSE. The beginning is promising. But as the pages run, it gets awfully boring and lame at some instances. How I hate those instant make overs! >.< And the bitch-ism is VERY predictable. The author uses Facebook for a major (?!) turning point. Err...I know FB rules lives, but nope. I don't want it ruling my life through books too! The language is very simple I must say! Nothing new to learn, nor it is enjoyable :|

At some point I felt,this book is for age group of 12-16. But nope. It is boring for them too :P

My ratings: 3/5 :o *Low by standards*

Should you read?
Errr No. Its not worth the time :( Sorry Mr.Oberoi!

Well have you guys read it? Liked it? Hated it? Lemme know! :)



  1. That is a great review!! Too bad, it wasn't worth your time :-)

  2. I am an ARDENT reader!!! I love books!! All kinds of it!! And i will definitely buy this one if i get a chance.. By the way you should try and give Danielle Steel a chance! Oh the beauty of what she writes!! She believes in happy endings!! So do we!! :) Buy any of her books! You'll love it!! I did! But i cannot guarantee as everyone supposedly has a different taste when it comes to books!!


  3. Aahh really? Sure honey, I'll give a try ASAP! :D Would be glad if you can suggest a title to start with :) I'll read and let you know :)
    Namita <3

  4. Go for Sisters!! :) I am telling you that book is like WOW!!! <3


  5. Oh alright! Right at me as soon as my exams get over! :)
    Thank you!
    Namita <3

  6. this book is awesome just read it for tp n enjoyed it
    i wud sujjest u all 2 read it.

  7. this book is awesome just read it for tp n enjoyed it
    i wud sujjest u all 2 read it.


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