Friday, 12 June 2015

That Wrongly Placed Dimple.

The clock just struck 1 O' clock. I am tossing and turning in my bed. I was. Thoughts have a way of finding their way to me when I least expect them to, you know. Your thoughts, to be precise.

The way your voice sounds rings in my head, the way it dips and raises. The smile on your face. It lights my soul. You're killing me, boy. I am not supposed to be up at 1 AM dreaming about you. I am supposed to be faking like you don't have any effect on me. I am to pretend like you are just another guy smitten, smitten like a kitten. You are not to know how much I adore you, that you give me the damned zoo, forget the butterflies. You are not to know that you are the first guy I have met after a long time who won't ever make it to the list of douches. You'll bolt at the first signs of too much emotions, like you call them. I know. "Don't be so emotional". That was your way of making me feel better. I am not complaining, I know you are a simple, easy-to-go man. 

I am here obsessing over your ruffled hair. You see, I obsess over gorgeous men. I like to remember the way they are. The features that make them, them. A way for me to remember them when they are gone. When I first met you, I didn't think I would ever obsess over you. I mean, you were dorky.

Who in the universe knew that I would be charmed by dorky? By you? By your stupid wrongly placed dimple? The way you want to talk to me all day? There were days when I would call that behavior clingy, you know. Not you, boy. Not you. I still can't seem to get over the fact that you are perfect. Freakin' perfect. You make me want to listen to cheesy songs. You are so easy, I mean you are such a ray of sunshine. I feel like the mother of all things evil around you. I get anxious if you don't talk to me like in, three hours. You've made me clingy. You've made a 'strong independent' girl, clingy :) The good kind of clingy where I don't run a three hour panel on whether to call you or not. 

You make me feel good about myself, boy. In a world that's always telling that I am not good enough, you make me feel like I am living a teenage dream. And now that I am quoting Katy Perry like a hopeless teenager, you should know that I am probably into you. I might like fall in love with you and marry you. Did I tell you that I have picked the names of our three kids? :) No pressure or anything, just saying. *Up top!*

You boy, are the hope to the girl world. If I could clone you and distribute you to all the girls that have lost hope in the cheesy stupidity called love and are wondering if they'll find Mr. Perfect anytime or, if they'll die old with cats, I wouldn't. I can never have enough of you. Never. 

Do you know how I know that I might be like probably falling in love with you and all? I didn't have to rake my brain for complicated words to explain me to you. If I can have a conversation with you for hours with simple words and alphabet, even a 'K' game, I think we'll have a destination wedding, no? Just saying, really! 

So, I basically wrote all this down because I am not gonna be replying to your 'Good morning, beautiful :)' anytime before a very good afternoon tomorrow. It's your fault, really. I don't like being up like this all night. I could like text you a 'I miss you' now and we can talk all night, but you do make me feel a little shy. Its weird really. I don't blush and go red and all wtf. But you, you are, #AYYO. 

I miss you, you idiot. 

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