Monday, 22 July 2013

Press Release | Say Goodbye to being Camera Shy: New research from Dove exposes a universal truth!

I love the Dove campaigns, they are just so real and touch the heart :)
New research from Dove exposes a universal truth: Women are hiding from the Camera and from their own beauty

Mumbai July 18, 2013:  A new study by Dove reveals that Indian women are missing out on some of life’s most memorable moments because they are not happy with the way they look.  A sense of anxiety about their appearance prevents them from capturing precious memories on camera, including those of their own wedding or the birth of their child or special family holidays.
In a global survey conducted in February 2013, 3 out of 4 Indian women interviewed, felt that they are not beautiful. 69% of women from the subcontinent admitted to being camera shy, citing that they often feel self-conscious or uncomfortable having their photo taken because they do not feel they are beautiful. 
Dove is committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. In response to the survey findings, Dove created a short film, Camera Shy to raise the question about why adult women hide from the camera, but loved the camera when they were little girls.  Women should feel confident to smile for their next photo, so they do not lose out on capturing their precious memories. Dove encourages women to celebrate their own beauty with tips to help them “say goodbye to being camera shy.” 
“We know that women are very self-critical when it comes to their looks and that this can have an impact on self-esteem, confidence and happiness,” said Mr. Srinandan Sundaram, General Manager, Haircare, Hindustan Unilever Limited. “This study shows that women, who are their own worst beauty critic, have anxiety that stops them from feeling confident in front of the camera and causes them to miss out on capturing important moments in their lives. We want that to change.”
Women struggle to see the beauty in themselves. Dove wants to inspire women to reconsider their beauty and recognize that they are more beautiful than they think.  Encouraging women and the next generation to develop a positive relationship with beauty can help raise their self-esteem and thereby enable them to realize their full potential. 
Girls mirror their mother’s behavior about beauty, confidence and self-esteem. It is important that mothers recognize the beauty in themselves and set positive examples for their daughters.
Dove wants to remind women to recapture the feeling they had when they were young and fearless in front of the camera, embrace their own beauty without reservation and pass those lessons on to a girl in her life. The brand has set a global goal of reaching 15 million young lives with self-esteem programming by the end of 2015 and has reached 11 million so far.  Together we can create a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety for women and girls of all ages. 

Dove Global Research: Detailed India Findings[1]

Beauty anxiety is the main reason why women are camera shy.

      More than half of women (44%) admitted that worrying how they will look is likely to have a negative impact on how they feel in front of the camera
      62% of women say having their photo taken/uploaded makes them more anxious about their looks than if they were speaking in public (48%), going on a first date (32%) or going to a job interview (41%) 
      40% of women admit they started to become more camera shy between the ages of 11 – 20 years of age
      34% of women are more camera shy now compared to 10 years ago
      Out of the 69% of women who are camera shy, 21% have said ‘no’ and stopped friends/family from taking a photo, while 12% have hidden behind someone or something and 11% hide their face

Women are missing out on capturing memories.

      59% of women have destroyed photos of themselves
o    Digital photos are even more likely to be destroyed than printed copies (46% vs 23%)
      29% of women do not have photos of a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, 25% of their wedding day and 29% of the birth of a child
      Nearly 4 out of 10 (38%) have stopped photos being taken or later destroyed photos of a beach holiday, a significant party with friends/family and even their own graduations

Digital photos are increasing women's sense of camera shyness.

      Being tagged in a photo on a social network causes more than half of women to feel more anxious about the way they look
      Almost half (41%) have de-tagged, deleted or removed a photo of themselves
      35% have done something to a photo of themselves to enhance their looks before posting it online

Dove Wants All Women to Celebrate Their Own Beauty

Dove research confirms that women are their own worst beauty critics and will actively avoid situations when their appearance is brought into the spotlight, such as having their photo taken. When confronted with a photo of themselves over 35% of women only saw the negative, considering themselves “unattractive,” “ugly,” or “too fat.”[2]

To help women say goodbye to a camera shy mindset, Dove Global Self-Esteem Ambassador Jess Weiner offers these tips:

      Ban beauty-bashing comments such as "I look so fat" or "I’m having bad hair day." Negative talk makes everyone feel anxious about their looks. The more positive affirmations you make about her own beauty, the more her self-confidence will soar.

      Nobody is perfect. Remember that those “perfect” images of celebrities have been styled and retouched by a team of professionals from start to finish. There is no such thing as perfect beauty.

      Women should not get caught up about how they look in a photo, but rather think about when they are 70 and remember how great it will be to have captured that time in life.

      Finally, Focus on Making Memories. Instead of stressing about looks in a photo, women should think about how they will FEEL when looking back 5, 10 and 50 years from now remembering the joy they had at the beach with family or the celebration shared with friends. When women focus on the type of memory being made, they will find that their face and body will relax, resulting in more natural, genuine smile and true enjoyment.  

View the Dove Camera Shy film at  and join the conversation at #MyBeautifulSelf and


About Dove:

Dove is committed to help all women realize their personal beauty potential by creating products that deliver superior care for your skin and hair. Dove believes that beauty should be for everyone, because when you look and feel your best, you feel better about yourself.

About Hindustan Unilever Limited:

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company touching the lives of two out of three Indians. HUL works to create a better future every day. We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others.


Dove Global Research: Key Findings[3]

Beauty anxiety is the main reason why women are camera shy.

      More than half of women (57%) admitted that worrying how they will look is likely to have a negative impact on how they feel in front of the camera
      65% of women say having their photo taken/uploaded makes them more anxious about their looks than if they were speaking in public (47%), going on a first date (44%) or going to a job interview (41%) 
      36% of women admit they started to become more camera shy between the ages of 11 – 20 years of age
      55% of women are more camera shy now compared to 10 years ago

Women are missing out on capturing memories.

      63% of women have destroyed photos of themselves
o    Digital photos are even more likely to be destroyed than printed copies (55% vs 25%)
      19% of women do not have photos of a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, 14% of their wedding day and 17% of the birth of a child
      Nearly 1 out of 3 have stopped photos being taken or later destroyed photos of a beach holiday, a significant party with friends/family and even their own graduations

Digital photos are increasing women's sense of camera shyness.

      Being tagged in a photo on a social network causes more than half of women to feel more anxious about the way they look
      Almost half (46%) have de-tagged, deleted or removed a photo of themselves
      41% have done something to a photo of themselves to enhance their looks before posting it online


For Further Information, Contact:
Reshma Golatkar |   | +91 99200 18732
Vaibhavi Parekh  |    | +91 98332 87008

[1] Camera Shy – Dove Global Research 2013
[2] Camera Shy – Dove Global Research 2013
[3] Camera Shy – Dove Global Research 2013

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