Saturday, 6 July 2013 Giveaway!

So now that all of us know about, here is the much awaited giveaway ;)

*I know my blabber goes unnoticed in times like this, so I started with the post details ;) *

Here is the super simple yet super awesome giveaway in collaboration with Cuponation.

Rules? Simple! :)

1. Fill in the Rafflecopter below.
2. One winner gets a voucher worth Rs.500/- from
3. The winner will be chosen randomly - after checking if all the entries have been fulfilled.
4. I shall mail the winner  and if there is no reply within 48 hours, I shall randomly choose another winner.
5. When you enter your email ID, it will be used to sign up for's newsletter.

That is it :) Any queries, mail me at! :)

And now, get set enter :D
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Done !
    Hope I will be the lucky winner !!!

  2. All done..!! (fingers crossed) :) :)
    Thank yu for the giveaway!! <3

  3. wow! its very interesting post. I never thing about it, this type of post available on blog. Thanks to Cuponation.

    Coupons Bag


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