Saturday, 1 December 2012

Of Random Banter and Ethnicity

These days I ponder over things a lot. There was a phase where I wouldn't give a rat's ass to people and their opinions. And a phase where it didn't evoke a response in me. I was (am I still in?) in a phase where everything bothered me. From people to their opinions. There was this constant chatter in the background of my brain, even as I slept. Trust me when I say its exhaustive.

I don't like being overwhelmed.

No matter how exhaustive it was, it did give me a wonderful feedback. I realized the depth of how shattered I can be with no real world problems. The constant battle within myself led me realize some important things in life.

1. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.

2. Nothing is perfect.

3. The lesser your expectations, the lesser the hurt.

4. Don't ever take anybody for granted.

5. Don't ever be taken for granted.

6. Everything you do in your life is your choice, never regret it.

7. Its good to take a break once in a while.

8.Sometimes you got to be mean, just to show you can be.

9. At time, the best comeback is a silent smirk.

10. You don't always have to be goodie two shoes. If you are not being one, then be well prepared for the nastyness that follows.

11. Its okay to be alone now and then. It helps you connect with yourself better :)

12. You are your own best friend.

13. When the present doesn't make sense, focus on the future and think about what you want in life. What you want to be. That helps you understand the present.

14. Life is about yourself. At the end of the day, you have to take care of yourself. No matter how wonderful a bunch of people you have in life, there is only so much they can try.

15. Be there for yourself, don't let yourself down.

16. Its okay to break down. When you are done breaking down, have a fantastic, applause filled comeback :)

17. Be your own super hero.

18. Your imperfections are what make you perfect :)

19. You don't always have to know what you are upto. You don't always have to be attentive and straighten up.

20. Finding your passion and sticking to it is what gives you happiness.

21. And happiness is what is finally wanted :)

So yeah, that must make it obvious that I am doing good. I didn't want my confused mind being reflected here on the blog, thus the lack of posts. Apologies :) I will have my study holidays *cough* in a couple of days, and that means I have more hours to waste watch Gossip Girl study.
Oh and blog may be? Kidding.
I'll be regular okay? I ain't gonna promise *wink*

Anyho, the Ethnic Day 2012 happened in my college yesterday and this what I wore.

Noticed the sorry state of my skin? Yea, a screwed up mind does that to you.

There is a lil story behind this dress. 
Yours truly designed it :P
Someday during a random window shopping, I had fallen in love with a similar pattern ^_^ And it had costed a bomb. 
I won't spend a million buck for something if its not pink and sparkly.
*But this is pink and sparkly :o*
Okay no, I would pay only if it was too tough to order the boutique aunty around.
So, me went to the market, bought the clothes required, the motifs and the lace.
The pant was bought ready made and so is the duppatta.
I know the photos don't do justice, but well, you do know the mindset in which I was posing, right? ;)
Nevertheless, I am glad it looks pretty ^_^
I will click better pictures someday and put up.Really.

Let me know how you like it :)

Also, join the giveaways running on the blog if you still haven't joined ;)



  1. The dress is absolutely stunning and love the bangles!

  2. dress is superb.. :) and so is the bangles... :D
    happy studying gal :) ;)


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