Sunday, 4 November 2012


Its November already! :o OMFG! :o This year moved is moving so fast!! Like it was just last to last night we cut a cake and welcomed 2012!! And WOW!!! That's a lot of exclamation marks for two lines of text!!!! :D

Well, its a new month, a new beginning :) I hope November continues being just like how this year has been to me, AWESOME!

And as per the tradition *which I don't really follow that strictly* here is the wish list for November :)

PS: If anybody is feeling extra kind, mail me at :) I'll mail you back my residential address :)
PPS: I am not really a FOLLOWTHETRENDLIKEITOWNSYOU person, so yea, the stuff needn't really be fall appropriate :P

Fringe Necklace and its DIY! 

Guess who has a DIY project for this weekend ;) You can find the tutorial here

Neckpieces! I have recently developed a strange affection for quirky as well as sane accessories these days. Aren't these so simple yet effective?

Ethnic heels! I so adore this pair of heels :o So ethnic, so classy, so beautiful! Oh and they are from Inc 5!

Feather earrings. So want these. *Sigh* *I don't know why I didn't add in exclamation marks here :o*

This is all I want this November. Pretty small a list yea? ;) Cuz well, most things from last month's list are still pending and me no want to repeat them! Android, be mine!

Image sources:
Pinterest. I don't claim any ownership.



  1. Love the fringe necklace & heels <3 <3

  2. Cool ones for the month :P yeah year is passing by so soon.... it seems like just few days before it was new year of 2012 :P

  3. lot of accessories for this month huh??? can find the feather earring and long charms in commercial street.....and it's very pocket friendly..

  4. ooohhh..wowie..
    there is this blog..which has some amazing DIYs..
    M amazed at the sheer creativity..

  5. Those necklaces are fantastic! I hope you had a wonderful weekend :)


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